Coach Carolyn messages that spoke to me this week-week of March 21st

This week there was no Friday's purposeful question but a weekend point to ponder which happened to be one of my favorite messages from Coach this week:

Weekend Point To Ponder

“Your close relationships are either a catalyst for manifesting what you really want, or they’re a hindrance to your manifestation. If you truly value the power of love in your life, you owe it to yourself to discover how to tap into the power of your relationship as a force for manifestation.” ~ Drs. Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks

Remember, you are the average of your five closest friends.
How does that make you feel?
Make it a manifesting weekend!Coach Carolyn

I love that quote! I thinks its 'interesting that I am the average of five of my closest friends..that means I'm beautiful, creative, encouraging, bold, sexy, intelligent, fun, goal-oriented, sensitive funny and a great mother (much later:) because that's what my five closest sisters represent. How I love them! Kia, Carey, Kym, Jackie, and Amanda rock!

How Confident Are You? “When you are unsure of yourself, remember that you can always borrow a self-confident attitude from your authentic self. If we act as if we’re confident, we become so.” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

One of the stumbling blocks to being confident is fear. I have spoken quite a bit on this blog about fears and how they keep us from living a passionate and purposeful life. Fears block our confidence. Just imagine the things you would try if fear did not limit you.
A building block to living a confident life is gratitude, again an old friend of this blog. Living in an attitude of gratitude opens the door to abundance giving you the confidence to live a life free of negativity.
To be a confident woman, you must make the conscious choice to not attend every pity party, anger-fest, and offensive gathering that you are invited to. Just say, “Thank you for sharing; I choose not to receive that.” And move on. No need to give further explanation; which only leads to further confrontation.
We were given an awesome power – the power to choose. Yet, sometimes we do not exercise that power wisely. Stopping is a spiritual action. When we are in the midst of a major or even a not so major decision, stop, take a breath, and then choose. And remember, making no choice, is also a choice.
Make the choice to live an amazing and confident life.Coach Carolyn

All I can say here is truth and I need to start doing that more. Thank you for sharing; I choose not to receive that. It sure would make alot more sense of what I allow into my spirit and head.

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