Joyce Meyer Book

I highly recommend Joyce Meyer's book "Confident Woman." It's definitely on my list of influential books. I didn't know I needed to read this until I did. Below are some things in the book that I liked..i could literally type out so many pages:

Pg 5
  • confidence allows us to face life with boldness, openness, and honesty. It enables us to live without worry and feel safe. It enables us to live authentically.
  • people with low confidence, on the other hand, are not sure about anything. They are double-minded, indecisive people who are tormented by self doubt. They second -guess (and third and fourth guess) themselves. As a result they don't live boldly. They live little, narrow lives, and they miss out on the big rewarding lives God wants them to enjoy.

Pg 10

  • John Wayne said , "Courage is not the absence of fear it is action in the presence of fear. bold people do what they know they should do-not what they feel like doing."
  • ....As I write these words, I feel very excited for you. I truly believe this book will be life-changing for many of you who read it. It may be a good reminder for some of you, but for others it will help you step out onto the path of your true life. The life that has been waiting for you since the beginning of time-and the one you may be missing due to fear and intimidation. Satan is the master of intimidation, you can take authority over him by simply placing confidence in Jesus Christ and stepping out boldly to be all you can be, God told Joshua, "Fear not, for I am with you." He is sending the same message today: FEAR NOT! God is with you and he will never leave you , nor forsake you.
  • Abraham was told, "God is with you in all that you do" (Genesis 21:22). that sounds like a large living to me. Are you ready for a larger life, one that leaves you feeling satisfied and fulfilled? i believe you are, and i want to do everything I can to help you on your journey.

Pg 45

  • A person is not a failure because she tried some things that did not work out. She fails only when she stops trying.
  • Recovering from pain or disappointment of any kind is not something that just happens to some people and not to others. It is a decision!You make a decision to let go and go on. You learn from your mistakes. You gather up the fragments and give them to Jesus and he will make sure nothing is wasted (John 6:12). You refuse to think about what you have lost, but instead you inventory what you have left and begin using it, Not only can you recover, but you can also be used to help other people recover. Be a living example of a confident woman who always recovers from setbacks mo matter how difficult or frequent they are. Don't ever say, "I just cannot go on,". Instead say, "I can do whatever I need to do through Christ who strengthens me. I will never quit, because God is on my side."

I absolutely love that! I think that's an important reminder to us all.

Pg 4Joyce talks about two kinds of people..a bold and shy person ..I'm typing out the shy person because I could identify more with that person than the bold person

  • A shy person shrinks back from many things that she should confront. There are many things she would like to say or do, but she's paralyzed by fear. I believe we must learn to step out into things and find out what God has for us in life. A more timid approach may protect individual from making mistakes, but the result is that they spend their lives wondering "what could have been." Bold people, on the other hand, make more mistakes , but they recover and eventually find what is right and fulfilling for them.. Making mistakes is not the end of the world. We can learn from mistakes. In fact, one of the few mistakes we cannot recover from is the mistake of never being willing to make one in the first place! God works through our faith, not our fear. Don't sit on the sidelines of life wasting you were doing the things you see other people doing. Take action and get a life!
  • If a person is naturally introverted or extroverted , she will always have a greater tendencies toward that natural trait-and that is not wrong. As we have stated previously, God creates all of us differently. However, we can have the life we desire and still not deny who we are. So search your heart and ask yourself what you believe God wants you to do --and then do it. Where He guides, He always provides. If God is asking you to step out into something that is uncomfortable for you, I can assure you when you take the step of faith, you will find him walking beside you.

When I resumed reading my book after i got the job offer this is what i read in bold.

Pg 85

  • God wants to give you favor-kindness that you don't deserve. Supernatural favor can be expressed in different ways . You may get the job you want but are not naturally qualified for.

Pg 89

  • Preparation equips us to move confidently.
  • When God gives us a job to do we often think it will be easy to accomplish. However, most things are harder than you ever imagine, they take longer than you ever thought you could endure but they also pay greater dividends than you could imagine.
  • When God called me into ministry I thought it would happen right away. I did not realize that I had a great deal to learn before I was prepared for the ministry God wanted for me.

Pg 94

  • The kind of preparation you need depends on what you are being called to do and your season in life at that time. If you have something in your heart that you believe you are supposed to do but are unable to do it now, don't let that discourage you. We hold some things in our hearts for years before we see them manifest. Let your dream incubate in your heart. Pray about it and do whatever you can to be ready when the time is right.

Pg 97

  • I encourage you to let everything in life be preparation for the things in your future. Let every experience be something you learn from. Don't despise the days of small beginnings. Those small beginnings are usually all we can handle at the time. God will give more when He knows we are ready. Enjoy every step of your journey. Don;t be in such a hurry to rush through things that you miss the lessons you can draw from each day.
  • If you do what you can do then God will do and what you cannot do. Do your best to be prepared for the job in front of you and God will come with some supernatural abilities that will amaze you.

Another item that God spoke loudly hence why i bolded it.

  • To be prepared, you don't have to worry about the part you don't know how to do, just do the part you know. Your faith-filled actions are seeds you sow. Sow your seed in faith and God will bring a harvest at just the right time.

Pg 103 The heading for this chapter was "Prepare for Promotion"....oh Lord

  • Joyce told story of how some of her former employees missed a great opportunity because they wanted promotion but they were not willing to prepare, they were not willing to take additional training or learn new skills to help them improve. These employees were very valuable but they did not continue getting training, even though it was offered so they could go into future with them

Knock ..knock....

Pg 179

  • Instead if being afraid of something you are not familiar with, familiarize yourself with it. Do some research or ask some questions. It might take a little effort o do so, but it is better than being tormented by fear.

Pg 189

  • Always living in a safe zone of life and never taking chances actually makes one a thief and a robber. you might think that statement is a bit strong but the truth is always strong, and the truth also makes me free. If I spend my life keeping myself safe then i rob everyone else of my gifts and talents simply because I am too afraid to step out and be willing to find out what I can do in life.

That's a really good point!

I think I've given enough of this book away!

Quotes I liked

These are quotes from Little Dumb Man about life lessons that I liked:

"I made and learned from lots of mistakes."
How else can we learn? Think back to when you learned any new skill – driving a car, cooking, learning a language. Of course you messed it up! Taking risks, trying new things, learning – these things always involve making mistakes. So don’t fear mistakes – be proud of them!

"If you can indulge in your passion, life will be far more interesting than if you're just working."
Someone said that if you enjoy your job, you’ll never have to work another day. Not everyone can go out and ‘indulge their passion’ right away, but there is good to found in all jobs, and if we focus on the good things, looking for that which is pleasing and which, perhaps, we can influence, it will expand. This kind of proactively is the basis of Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, another book I highly recommend.

"Right now I'm just delighted to be alive and to have had a nice long bath.
This quote reminds me of a scene from the wonderful British comedy movie, Clockwise. John Cleese’s character is trying to get to a conference but, after many trials and tribulations, he ends up stranded in a monastery. Sitting in a room with a monk, covered in mud, clothes torn, he asks, ‘what should I do?’ The monk simply replies: ‘Have a bath, perhaps?’
We can be so focused on the big picture stuff that we forget that life is a series of moments, each of which has its simple pleasures. Whatever life brings, it is good to be thankful for the many little pleasures each day has to bring.

‘When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love’ (Marcus Aurelius)

Job Opportunity

I was offered a job opportunity by our new VP of our dept totally out of the blue a few weeks ago and i was so unsure about it. The job required 2 weeks in DC 2 weeks in NY which is a definite interruption in my life and one con about the job. I was very much in prayer and seeking God and i heard opportunity and favor in my spirit but i also heard that every opportunity isn't the right opportunity. So i turned down the opportunity and told my current boss and his reaction was quite surprising it was kind of a sigh and if that's what you want. I'm like don't sound too disappointed.I told my hubby about it and hes like I'm proud of you for considering it. we talked more about via text since i was out of town and he said he thinks it was a mistake i turned it down because of the opportunity that is presented and any fears i have are unfounded and if I'm wondering about how i could be supported in this role then i need to bring that up. I had dinner with one of my best friends cory and was telling him my side and then my reactions to what hubby said. Cory interrupted me to say steph in my spirit i just heard you're too comfortable in your position. Which struck me all over..i never knew that but that it is so true! so i really was pondering now so I talked to hubby more prayed and went back the next day asking if i could reconsider with a list of questions. I felt much better about the situation and really was open to the opportunity. The new role would definitely be challenging because its more of an hr generalist position and my focus has been benefits and the idea of being responsible for several departments and be their specific HR person. I have to tell my decision the week after thanksgiving. oh the one thing I'm waiting to hear on is salary. I'm reading Joyce's book confident woman...and its funny when i picked up the book to continue reading it so spoke to my job situation. The book talked about about stepping out of your comfortable position, its less about what i can do but what God can do though you . Then i read a line that said lets call this person Stephanie who is applying for the job. Really God? lol! my name in a book ..i think you may be talking to me. Right then i knew God is speaking quite heavily through this book. Then i was listening to Joel and Victoria sermon and Victoria said ....It's time to grow up...develop...rise higher and advance the kingdom.It's time to embrace new things God wants to do in your life. Time to exchange. Alot of time we are holding to things..we need to make the exchange. It's time to put down some things so you can have the great exchange God is trying to give. Cast your care upon God. evaluate. maybe you need to put something down to get something better. That hit home so much! Then i looked at my book shelf and saw the book that's called HR Transformation that i started reading months ago and put down and totally forgot I had it. It's one of the free books my company gets that I didn't see on the "free shelf" but one of my co-workers found and thought I may like and I'm glad that she did. I then knew i needed to take the job. God has been laying the foundation and giving me hint for months even years but I wasn't aware of it. Our last VP was moving our whole dept from transactional to strategic partners but we never did anything with it so i thought nothing about it but this is partly what my new job will be. Not paying attention to signs. I haven't told my decision yet to our new vp because I'm waiting on the salary but it will be a yes.I really want to thank my other best friend Carey for standing with me praying for clarity. Eventhough I didnt get my answer the next day ..I did get it a few days later.

Article about Knowing When To Quit

This is another great article from the Dumb Little Man that I found helpful. I'm one to either get up to bat or not. If something fails I want to not give up and keep going (well..sometimes if Im determined) but this article really reminds me sometimes we have to know when to quit...when to stay...somethings no longer fit and we have to accept need to keep making it fit.

The article:

How would you feel if someone called you a "quitter"?

My guess is – not good. You might feel hurt, guilty or upset. You almost certainly wouldn't feel proud of yourself.

Quitting gets a bad rap. We're often encouraged, from an early age, to stick with our projects at all costs – even when we're totally fed up. You might have come across quotes like Napoleon Hill's "A quitter never wins and a winner never quits."

Frankly, that's nonsense. Lots of successful people achieve their real goals by knowing when to quit. You could waste years of your life beating your head against a brick wall – when the real way forwards was to quit, and start something new.

I like the way W.C. Fields puts it:

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damn fool about it.

So how do you know when to try again – and when to quit? Here are four warning signs that make quitting a perfectly valid option.

You Just Wish It Was Over
Maybe you're engaged in a long project – like studying for a degree, or working in a particular career. If all you can think about is the day when you'll finally graduate from college, or finally retire, then it's worth thinking about whether this is the right course for you.

Almost every project we undertake will have some less-than-fun moments. But if you're working towards your real goals, the process will generally feel worthwhile and interesting.

There's No End in Sight
Do you feel as though you're going round in circles? Perhaps you're slogging away in a particular job, but it's become clear that you're not going to get that promotion you hoped for. Maybe you've been working on a novel for the past five years, but you're not really getting anywhere nearer to "finished".

Of course, not everything we do has an end point – and that's fine, so long as you enjoy what you're doing. But if you're thoroughly fed up, think about whether there's an end point which you can reach or not. It's probably worth sticking out your final year in high school so that you can graduate – but it's not worth staying in a job you hate if there's no route forwards.

You're Not Gaining Anything New
If you've been engaged in one particular project for a while, are you still getting anything out of it – or has it just become a habit? I've given up a magazine subscription that I used to enjoy, because I was finding that the articles were very beginner-focused – and I'd moved on from that stage.

You might consider quitting:
  • Particular groups or classes where there's nothing new to learn
  • Hobbies which you used to enjoy but have lost interest in
  • A job which was once exciting but now feels stale
Your Priorities Have Radically Changed
What was right for you five years ago – or even one year ago – might not be a good fit now. Various life events may have seen your priorities change: perhaps you've started a family – or your kids have left home.

If you took on a particular project, goal or hobby in the past, it's worth considering whether it's still something that you want as part of your life. You might, for instance, quit an expensive hobby so that you have more money to spend on your growing family – or you might leave a hectic job in order to have more time with your aging parents.

There is absolutely no shame in quitting. In fact, it can take a lot of maturity and bravery to stand up and say "I quit".

If there's something in your life that's holding you back, what's your first step towards quitting it?

Great Article about How To Pursue Your Dreams-Despite the Day Job

I read this wonderful article that made me immediately think about one of my best friends. I was going to send this to her but thought I want a way to remember this article as well because you never know how my hobby with art or anything else I pursue may one day interfere with my day job. As much as I would like to think I keep things in perspective ..sometimes one gets caught up in life and feels like their dream is so far away but in reality it isn't....

So my best friend I'm talking too..remember to stay encouraged and to take these small steps...

The article:

You've got big dreams. Perhaps they're recent, or perhaps they've been simmering away at the back of your mind for years. Maybe you haven't started yet, or maybe you've already made a lot of progress.

The problem is, you've got a day job. You'd love to pursue your dreams full time – and you've read all the books and blogs aboutgoing after your passion – but you simply can't afford to. Maybe you wouldn't even want to.

The good news is, you don't have to quit your job to go after your dreams. You can work round it instead.

Setting Clear Goals
First, be clear about what you're trying to achieve. That doesn't need to mean setting yourself some detailed five year plan. It could just be:

  • Aiming to spend some time each evening on your hobbies
  • Gradually getting some experience in your dream career, perhaps by volunteering
  • Visiting a different country every vacation
  • Getting to the next stage with your music or art
It's so easy to let your dreams slip away. It's so easy to keep putting them on hold, hoping that you'll have more time next month ... next year ... once the kids are older.

By setting clear, achievable goals, you keep yourself focused.

Finding Your Best Time

I've been coaching some writers, and one common problem which comes up for those with a day job is finding a good time to write.

A lot of dreams require energy and commitment. They're not like cleaning out the garage – you have to have a certain amount of inspiration and mental clarity in order to get going.

To figure out your best time of day, experiment! Try working on your rock anthem first thing in the morning, or straight after you get home from work, or on a Sunday afternoon. What feels easiest and most natural for you?

Once you've found your best time of day, look for ways to fit your dream into it. That might mean getting a bit creative – perhaps swapping childcare with a friend, or negotiating slightly different work hours with your boss.

Getting Supporters to Cheer You On
In your day job, you've got a number of people with an interest in how you're getting on. Your boss, for instance, is definitely going to notice if you don't do any work for days on end. And your colleagues will be there to support you, to offer a sympathetic ear when things go wrong, or to answer questions.

When you're going after your own goals in your own time, it can feel like you're out on your own. Perhaps your partner doesn't really "get" your dream, or maybe your friends would laugh if you told them all about it.

Having support, though, makes a huge difference: it can keep you enthusiastic even when things aren't going well, and it can give you the motivation to carry on.

How about joining a group – in your local area, or online – that's devoted to your dream? Or finding just one person, perhaps a friend, who'll help you stay accountable?

Making the Most of Your Day Job
When your day job gets in the way of your dreams, it's easy to start feeling resentful. But you've made a commitment to your job (whether or not you enjoy it), and it's important to honor that commitment.

Sure, you might have a bit more time for your dreams if you came into work late every day, or pretended to be working while you were really reading about the new guitar you want to buy. But your work will probably suffer, your boss will probably notice, and you'll feel guilty about it.

Even if your day job is far from ideal, there's probably something you can gain from it. Maybe that's a good reference, experience, strong relationships with colleagues or greater self-discipline.

Whatever your dreams are – make time for them, and treat them seriously.

Hello November!

Wow I can't beleive we are in the fifth day of November...where oh where did this year go? My birthday is next month...which seems crazy. It has definately been a mixture of an amazing and rough year with all the awakenings combined with the death of my mother-in-law. As I come into the holidays seasons, I just pray for more peace and healing for my family. It's amazing when you look back over the course ofthe year..things accomplished/not accomplished/ who you are now vs when the year began, the lessons God has taught..the ones missed, the ones you knew from day 1, How God has strengthened you and never left you despite how the year has come and gone is amazing. Friendships strengthened and some no longer fit. The crisp air of changing leaves of fall which really tells you its arrived.

Ahhh..I just wanted to take a moment to talk about that. i have done a few drawings since my last post but something is wrong with my camera phone..something about the sd card not being recognized...booo so i cant post until its working again. i can truly see how God has used my art as a catylst to awaken myself on so many levels....