Coach Carolyn messages- that spoke to me wk of march 15th

Thus far this week I've found two messages from Coach Carolyn that spoke truth to my spirit:

Think You Can... Think You Can't
I want to share a great message from author and teacher Mary Manin Morrissey. Enjoy!
Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or you think you can't, you are right.” This is a very powerful statement but what's really powerful is when we practice remembering its power.
When we find ourselves thinking, "Oh I never have been able to" or "I can't" or "I used to be able to but now I can't", we are actually reinforcing a limitation. Our thinking is a gift from God and when we think in constriction we have cut ourselves off from God's power to give us ideas where the solutions can be found.
To tap into Universal power, we need to think into the solution. Just start by saying to yourself, “If I could do this, how might it work?” What ideas are there for how it could happen?
Let's remember what Henry Ford said and practice it today. If you think you can or you think you can't, you get to be right. So let's be right in thinking that it can be done. There is a solution and we can access it.
Just for today, think you CAN!
Coach Carolyn

This message is so true. We are the only ones putting limits on ourselves. What a point Coach Carolyn made when she said "Our thinking is a gift from God and when we think in constriction we have cut ourselves off from God's power to give us ideas where the solutions can be found. " Truth!!! The only limitations we have is what we put on ourselves. God didnt say let me tell you what is attainable. Anything is attaintable as long as its God's minded so why not reach out and up for the unexpeceted and the outrageous.

Everything Is Not About You!

In a recent class I am teaching, we were discussing our emotions and in particular, anger. One of the students mentioned that it is so hard not to get angry when someone says or does something to offend us. I quickly mentioned Don Miguel Ruiz’ The Four Agreements. Surprising, many of them had never heard of the book. Although, this should come as no surprise, considering how people show up in the world – totally offended, feeling betrayed, being hurt, getting slighted in some way.Now, I am not negating that these can all be very hurtful experiences, but you cannot allow that to rule your life.Don’t Take Anything PersonallyRemember, nothing anyone else does is about you; it is a reflection of their own drama. If you choose to make it about you, then on some level you are agreeing with their assumptions. And yes, that is a choice. We live in a very narcissistic society where we think everything is about us. Well, it’s not! The only things that are about us, are the things we sign up for. So, if we sign up for someone else’s drama and negative behavior, then it becomes our drama and negativity.I choose to write my own story and leave the drama on the cutting room floor! When I want drama, I am creative enough to come up with some drama that will serve me – like getting knocked to the ground by Richard Armitage! Hell, I have gotten knocked to the ground before, it wasn’t fun and I was sore for days after. I did laugh about it after. But had that been Richard Armitage, well! I can come up with a least a dozen different scenarios about how that would have ended up! He he!So, just for today, stop taking everything so personally – even if it has your name on it!Coach Carolyn

This was such a hard lesson for me to learn and I'm still trying to perfect not to be offended especially with my hubby. He has so many wonderful traits but one of them i love/hate is his brutal honestly. Its help me climb above many issues and refreshing but at other times its like could you have told me but sugarcoated it. I'm uber sensitive so i quickly get offended. But I cant remember where I heard this from but the person said you can be called by many names but its what you answer too. What you identity with. Truth!

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