I'm starting out with the definition and I feel this later half of the week applies to 2a.
Main Entry: en·thu·si·asm
Pronunciation: \in-ˈthü-zē-ˌa-zəm, en-, also -ˈthyü-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein to be inspired, irregular from entheos inspired, from en- + theos god
Date: 1603
1 a : belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit b : religious fanaticism2 a : strong excitement of feeling : ardor
synonyms see passion
Why? You may ask or already know because I found my purpose! I feel knowing this makes me walk different and I'm more excited about life. I'm started to tell Kia about it and she loves the idea. I started to tell J about it too since he was the one that helped me find it but he was too entertained with his mistress to fully pay attention to what i was saying. he did happen to say authentic and then I'm sorry i was typing what were you saying. I told him I would tell him about it another time when he could listen. I told Robin about it and she was excited as well and totally painting the picture.
So here goes after talking to J that morning I got on the computer at the later half of the day at work and started to do a search for art therapy because at one time i did want to do that (I totally forgot that I did till that moment).
As i was looking into art therapy I was thinking I don't want to do therapy. I know it isn't about what skills you don't have but lets be realistic..I don't have analytical skills and something J said during the purpose convo that resonated with me is natural abilities I have and i thought. Natural abilities I have. what are they? My answer: the ability to create a peaceful cozy environment (anyone who seen my apt when I was in MD can see that..working on doing that at our place ), like nutritional conversations that encourage,inspire, and empower. Like to create an atmosphere of someone being able to lay everything down and know you wont be judged. You'll be comforted and love. If you need hugs that will be given, if you want to cry you will be supported. If you want to be prayed for that will happen. Also, allowing a time for feelings to be able to come out through art like a visual journal per se. I also think music is ministering to your soul. So music could be incorporated which made me think about paint dancing that Ive been wanting to try (it seems so fun, freeing, and unme (messy) but unfortunately there hasn't been a meetup since i joined. It would be welcoming to all faiths but they would know the holy spirit dwells here. I was so surprised how easily this picture of vision was starting to form. So as I'm searching I come across the term expressive art and i love it. One of the definitions i found was: practice of using imagery, storytelling, dance, music, drama, poetry, movement, dream work, and visual arts together, in an integrated way, to foster human growth, development, and healing. Yes! Healing There were pages of expressive art therapist but I'm like no therapy then i came across expressive arts facilitator and my heart jumped. This is it!
One website that had someone as an expressive arts facilitator I really liked: http://www.expressiveartsong.com/
Workshops aspects. i felt my heart singing. Yes this is it! I was wondering about her background and the requirements..certifications etc and she mentioned a school called saybrook in CA which unless they had e-courses it wouldn't work but at least i had a start. So I continued reading about her I loved her bio:
Using the Arts as tools for touching the spirit, accessing one’s inner knowing, and discovering and affirming one’s gifts, realizing and living the divergence of creativity-these are all very important concepts to me. The Expressive Arts is a discipline that combines different Arts together in sequential arrangements that amplify the wisdom of the body/mind/spirit, and opens doors to the unlimited creative possibilities. I have been very fortunate to have been involved in the Arts for most of my life. Through the faces of my students, clients, and workshop participants I have clearly viewed the “AH-HA” moments, and I have experienced them myself. This experience of the Expressive Arts is very valuable to everyone, and I am very grateful to be able to offer and share it with others. Creativity is everyone’s right, and need, in what ever one does in their life. Going through each moment of the day, thinking, feeling, and moving as creatively as possible brings more meaning and joy to each person and society. The Expressive Artsong experience should not be missed! The person-centered approach, as developed in part by Carl Rogers, added to the Expressive Arts experience, emphasizes that the experience have empathy, presence, and congruency. Respect, truth, caring, and a nonjudgmental atmosphere are all an integral part of this experience. Through the Arts you can discover your true song!”-Bonnie Slayton
Yes! Bonnie. So I did a search for an expressive arts certificate in NY. I found one! It's in Albany which I didn't know where that was..asked hubby and he said upstate and omg! I love the program and how it only requires 1 weekend a month (its a year program and the 2009 rates were reasonable 2400--clearly we can't afford that right now but when God makes a way to some financial opportunity there you go). The best part is a bachelor's and an interview was required so no pre-requisites or degree specifically in psychology or arts. I was joyous all of yesterday. Oh the name of the program is "Expressive Arts Certificate Program"Offered by NY Expressive Arts partnership with the College of saint Rose. (Scream).
I also figured this could be a side passion because I wouldn't need to leave my day job to do this. If the time came where I felt I did so be it. Space would be the issue. renting in NY is expensive period so i don't know where I would hold this..maybe connecting with a womens center. Idk Of course I'm still fleshing everything out and there still research to be done so I'm not making a jump to school right away but its great to be having all these ideas. What I did realize that I want to do now is join more women meetups to not only continue my journey but be able to see what some more things i want to incorporate that I may not have thought off. So I found/joined 4 w/ their about info:
Beautiful Sister Inside and Out:
Blessings Sisters,Our sacred healing sanctuary allows ALL women to feel safe & nurtured as we unite our positive& loving energies together in sacred dance & movement to honor, celebrate, & romance our Divine Goddess living inside each one of us.We will sing, dance, move freely & feel grounded and connected to our physical bodies, and lovingly support & hold sacred space for our soul sisters on our mission here.As we remember who we are & re-connect with those aspects of ourselves we have temporarily forgotten, we can recall our unique gifts and natural abilities we were born to use in this lifetime. We can then more effectively help others on their journeys of deep healing & enlightenment in an supportive, loving, & nurturing circle of love.I wish you all peace, joy, and the ecstasy of realizing, accepting, & celebrating your authentic self-your true essence & most importantly, being fully present and conscious of what you came here to do to complete your karmic mission in the here and now!LOVE, LIGHT, & POWER!Soulfully Yours,
Goddess JOY Workshops
There is nothing more fun than having like minded girlfriends to enjoy the journey of self-discovery! Our fun, interactive and experiential Goddess JOY Play shops bring together a cozy group of proactive women who are ready to give up their old, tired story to write and own their new and hopeful version of the life they desire to create. SEND IN THE CLOWN (Expand Your Perspectives)Learn how to explore the serious and humorous perspectives of any situation life throws at you! If you can laugh about your pain eventually, why not learn how you can laugh about it today?PAINT YOUR POSSIBILITIES! (Open Your Eyes to Possibilities)When you clear your emotional closet, your freed up energy allows you to see possibilities ahead so much better. Learn to heed your emotions as reliable guides in decision making that honor your truth. Express what you are feeling on paper & take home a powerful memento to inspire!GODDESS CELEBRATION! (Own Your Power to Choose!)Use your charm and move your body to express confidence and self-worth NOW! You are a Powerful Goddess with unique gifts to bestow upon this earth. While you’re at it, be an irresistible magnet of all the right opportunities and people--not just Mr. Right!
NY Art Spirit
which apparently they use art to transform ourselves. no real detail but i liked the description.
I cant remember the name but basically its about self discovery and they bring speaker in.
All very exciting as i continue on my journey i can def see me being able to help their on theirs and incorporate some new things. So enthusiasm is written all over me. When I'm ready i think starting my own meetup group would be a good way to get my feet wet with my passion. So right now its books, research, and enjoying my path through these groups.
Oh and I just realized I'm starting to use some tools already towards healing and encouragement. like for example sacred friday pulling words out of a bowl and see how they are used in the following week..if they haven't been encouraging and healing :) and my grace cards I use to focus on a word or as of late pulling three grace card and guess what the message is telling you about your life (scream). Next on the list will be a visual journal.
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