In the past:
- Ive wondered aloud to myself
- Asked , Prayed and pleaded with God to reveal his purpose
- Looked at the pages of books that have asked me if money was no object what would I do with my life and unable to write anything
So I decided this year I would make a more concentrated effort to find my purpose whether through webinars, seminars, books, or just plain trying things out. Of course praying as well.
A few moments ago I just attended a webinar put on by Savvy Ladies (one of my meetup groups) that was called "Finding Your Purpose" presented by Joe Nunziata.
What got me interested is the details of the webinar (orange). I decided the best way for me to look at my notes later is just to fill in the points discussed under each heading (green):
Now is the Perfect Time to Connect to Your True Mission and Purpose Here on Earth
Knowing Your True Purpose is only the Beginning of Your Journey. The Next Step (the step most people never make) is Taking the Inspired Action Necessary to Move Your Dream Forward and Create the Life You Desire.
You will uncover your true mission and receive practical strategies to help you move forward.
Highlights include:
-How and Why You Were Conditioned Not to Seek Your True Purpose
A. Because we were Designed To Seek Safety
1. Our 1st instinct is to be safe and secure. We are born with a survival instinct.
B. Upbringing
The environment we grew up in has a dramatic effect on how we see the world. Some of us were taught some or all of the following:
1. Get a Job with a Good company
2. Get Benefits
3. Don't make trouble (just be happy don't cause a problem).
4. Be Happy What you have (don't desire more. be happy if you have food and can pay your bills). Joe says you should be happy but settling and gratitude or two different things.
5. Save your money.
Joe asked the question how fear based was the household that you grew up in? If it was extremely fear based you were told early you don't take risks.
-How Your Mission and Purpose are Coded to Your DNA
Most of us say we want to find our purpose but the better statement is you need to reconnect yourself with your purpose. We have to allow ourselves to go forward in the direction of my purpose. Your purpose is already in you. You're looking outside for it but you need to look inside.
A. My mission and my purpose is based on emotional work I've come on this earth to accomplish.
B. My journey Helps Me Achieve My Mission ( where i want to live everyday is joy, peace, and love).
Joe told the story of wizard of oz where he sees it as a spiritual journey. Dorthy lands in oz and wonders how she got there. Shes goes through adventures and looks for the wizard (looking for someone to tell her what to do). She gets to oz and finds there just a guy behind the curtain. She encounters a good witch who says she had the answer all the time within her but she didn't rust it.
C. My Feelings Are My Guide
Joe explained most of us have been conditioned not to trust feelings. Feelings are the things that are sending us to a better place but we are not allowing ourselves to trust these internal feelings. The more we do the more powerful the mission comes for us. Then I will be guided to where I need to go. Those are the keys to success.
-How and Why You Refuse to Give Up Your History and Block Your Success
We are stuck in our old beliefs so that's why we dont live. Let's break down the word history it's HIS STORY=Your Story You like to Tell. It's my journey and nothing wrong with telling background but the problem is when you begin to attach yourself to the story and you're unable to move forward.
Am I addicted to my old story & beliefs? Sometimes we try to justify where we are in life. We get trapped in our story. Desire to attach ourselves to old stories that is holding an old energy. maybe we are identifying with that weak child that cant follow their dreams. We always say my parents were X and that why I am X. Stop talking about this! If you keep telling the same story you wont want to give it up. The story is keeping you at a low state & energy. Your belief system becomes meshed with an old story. Stop giving it energy. When you focus all your energy on an old story you are trapped. Start telling the story of where you are going. Let it go! Write a new story!
-Why People Trade Safety for True Happiness
-Why Uncovering Your True Purpose Creates Fear
-How the Negative Ego Traps You in False Beliefs
Most people focus on what they don't want or their old story. Refocus on where you want to go.
Sometimes we never look in another direction. Start focusing on what you want. Most of us I don't want to focus on ourselves because thats considered selfish. We are conditioned to do for everyone else and not focus on ourselves. Going forward I need to focus on my desires. I need to focus on the life I want to creates. Retraining is necessary.
Look to a positive place you've never never looked before. if you always look left. Try looking right. If you have never focused on what you want its going to feel uncomfortable. Be in a state of preparation. It will feel strange but its ok. Start listening to your higher self. You at a higher level of consciousness. I am getting messages all the time but I'm not paying attention. Be still. Be connected. Sometimes we are bogged down with daily activities we don't realize we are flowing. We need to be open to the flow of energy. Are we standing in mud beating ourselves up or are we doing something positive. Trust higher self.
1. Write things down. Powerful especially in our own handwriting. Write ideas. Always carry a notebook because what you write down has power . its now before you which has a tremendous impact.
2.Act on your feelings. (If you get up and think about somebody. what do you so with that? Do you act on it? Our feelings guide us. We get in a habit asking the question is something productive. Follow the feeling. let it guide you you never know where it leads you.
3. Do Not Allow the Voices of The Negative Ego Stop You.
Two different ego voices:
+ ego=self awareness (peace, joy, and love)
-ego=negative association (it may chip away at you or call you weak)
We often allow the ego to rattle us. Ex. I'm not good at this. I'm not smart enough I'm not beautiful enough. Don't you know everyone goes through that --successful people in business and celebrities. you are not alone. We cant be 100% everyday.Its important to wk through this issue because you don't want to start self medicating yourself.
4. Take Only Inspired Action.If you don't feel like doing it...then don't. If you are unsure then wait don't do it...give it some breather.
5. Meditate. Get quiet everyday on a reg basis even if its 2-3 minutes. Just be consistent.
-How to Avoid the Biggest Trap of Them All
Making the distinction of having desire but not attachments. That is, desire moves us forward but we don't want it to attach to your ego. Ex. Get caught up how wonderful of an actor I am so if a critic says you're not you're crushed. You can desire whatever (enjoy it but don't attach yourself).
-Move Your Dream Forward.
Everyday many people cant move their dream forward. They are an accountant where they heart lies in art. It's time to move.
1. Be consistent with Action (Whatever most of your energy is going it consistently)
2. Do Your Homework. If you are going into a new business. Research. Find out as much info as you can
3.Surround Yourself with People who Are on A mission
4. Get Help (Ask friends/family if they know someone whose path is similar).
Bonus Tip:Stop Thinking!
The things that are getting in your way is what you're thinking about too much. Over thinking. Stop. Thinking will block energy every time. Everything thing good that has happened is when you were in the flow. You need to create a serendipity list (write down all good things in your life . Did they just happen or did you plan it out?) Thinking had its place but stop over thinking! It's blocking your flow of creativity! You're not flowing!
My comments:
I enjoyed the seminar very much..not necessarily new information but I heard things in a different way. I found it intresting that the idea of old stories came up (that's what Im learning about in Becoming A Women of Purpose). I feel alot of things were discussed that I need to think about further. The intresting thing about all this is I asked the presenter a question. "How do you find out what makes your heart sing? There's nothing in particular that sings to me but I know I am put on the earth for a purpose. Ive been reflective and still nothing has resulted. What is your advice? " The presenter said that I have a repression of feelings. Alot of people have done alot of work mentally & not emotionally. I know what is going on in my head but I'm not getting to my feelings. I need to get out of my mind. I I need to rebuild my inner myself . I'm not living in a place of peace, joy, and love.
At first I thought thats some crap. That may apply to some of your clients but not me but Im wondering if there is some truth to it. I do feel like i live in a place of peace, joy, and love but is it possible I may have repression. I actually feel its the opposite i live in my feelings and not in my head nearly enough as I should. Ponder! Ponder!
Wow! It sounds like the webinar was really good! I'm so glad you took notes and posted them here! I'm sorry I had to miss it, but I ended up having a great night at home because of it.
ReplyDeleteHmm...That's interesting that the speaker thinks you are living in your head and repressing your true feelings.... Maybe because of all the emotional abuse you had growing up, you instinctively try not to feel. Yes, definitely ponder this topic some more.
It gets me excited, though...if you think you are living in a place of peace, joy and love now...just wait until you REALLY get there! You are going to be experiencing MORE peace, MORE joy, MORE love than ever before!!
And if you want my opinion, you need to get into your art more. I just have a strong feeling that you are going to discover so much more about yourself and the world around you as you create. Don't question it. Don't think about it. Just FEEL the process of creativity. FEEL the art. By bringing your creations to life, I think you will bring a whole new piece of you to life!
Love you!