In finding a new devotional to read I came across this scripture:
Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.
Joshua 3:5
I love how that sounds and wondered the defination of consecrate. I feel like i have heard the term before but until now really want to hone in on the defination. I went straight to my life application bible which told me consecration is purfication. This was a ceremony that was often done by making a sacrifice or as in this case(this scripture) witnessing a great act of God. The bible goes on to say that God law in the OT stated several ways a person could be considered unclean and the various outward signs of uncleanniness to illustrate ma's inward uncleaness as a result of sin. The consecration ceremony shows the importance of approaching God with a pure heart. Very intresting..i wondered what else i may find on this topic. i found this article that mention in consecration our part and God's work together. Our part in consecration involves separating ourselves from evil by continually working with our heart so that we drink from earthly sources less and less all the time. But doing that is only half of what we can do for practical holy living. The other half of our part in consecration is that of actually drawing near to God and drinking. God designed us so that we have to be "drinking" from something. By our drinking from God, purity works it's way into our experience because enjoying God's presence becomes our preferred way of quenching our thirst, not sin or unwanted behaviors. By drinking from God, the earthly ways of unrighteous living become less and less attractive to us. But by our turning to God and drinking something else happens: God is able to do His part in consecrating us. By our drawing near to God and our letting Him draw near to us, God is able to prepares us for His use because He washes us holy all the while He is drawing near to us. We have to draw near to God so God will do his part.
I started thinking about consecreation and how tangible this word is. Think about our lives and gifts we want to use for God and for his purposes. Think about filling yourself up with God's word on a daily basis not only to strengthen you but because it is nourishment for your soul. Thinking about making God's business priority. think about making the first part of your day priority. I know my day is more beautiful when i start it with the Lord. I'm reminded now of this scripture which is becoming my favorite: John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
OMG! That closeness with the wonderful Lord that you cant even tell the vine from the branches because you are that tightly woven into each other. I found this excerpt that i think is a perfect closing to this post.
The Christ touch upon our lives, that is what we want for the best and greatest
service in God's Kingdom. I wonder how many of you have kept a quiet time alone with Christ today? I wonder how many of you have formed the habit of keeping a daily quiet hour, a quiet half hour, a quiet quarter of an hour, or even a quiet ten minutes alone with Jesus Christ? Friends, until we have formed that habit, I don't believe it is possible for us to know the blessing and the power of the Master's touch upon our lives. ... There are three essentials for communing with God: sincerity, concentration of mind and consecration of life. I can think of no time, when the soul so fully meets these conditions, as when we are alone with God. ... The quiet hour is not a time for morbid meditation, nor for careless and mechanical reading of the Bible, nor for offering thoughtless prayers: it is a time when you shall become acquainted with yourself. If we would give to God our best moments; if we would give to Him a fresh mind, a quiet spirit, and a receptive heart, then we must make the quiet hour a morning watch. We, too, must heed those classic words of advice which Ruskin gave to the students of Oxford: "Read your Bible. Make it the first morning business of your life to understand some of it clearly, and your daily business to obey it in all that you do understand." ... The keeping of the morning watch may mean less sleep, the forming of a new habit; it may mean self-denial and real sacrifice; but if it be God's will that we should seek Him first each day, He will give us grace and strength to pay the cost.
—Olive Russell, The Baptist Chronicle, Alexandria, La., Jan. 15, 1914
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