In my cluster group weeks back we had to draw a life pie. Basically a circle that is divided into six pieces that were labeled spirituality, exercise, play, work, friends, and romance/adventure. We were to place a dot on each slice at the degree in which I'm fulfilled in that area. Outer rim indicates great inner rim not so great. Then we were supposed to connect the dots and see where we are lopsided. the areas that are lopsided is the areas that are improvised and which there is little or no time spent. One of the tasks this week was to revisit.Looking at my life pie were several areas impoverished (friends in NY, play,and exercise,). The ones that are middle ground is work, spirituality, romance/adventure. Re looking at this i think i inflated spirituality more than i should have. Because my spiritual life is not where i want it to be in terms of the time i devote to God. February I took some time to evaluate how much time i spend at the gym vs the time I'm spending on the things that are priorities in my life and the things that are not getting done because of my late arrival at 10:30 such as spending quality time with hubby; having time with my artwork (whether drawing or doing more art related activities); and having time for myself. Funny and unknowing to me none of that included my time with God and that should be #1. So when i visited the church yesterday they gave out these small 47 days long journals which allows us the "opportunity to focus on the cross, the sacrifice, the resurrection and the life that Christ offers to each of us when we surrender to Him and trust in his way. It is the hope that the reader will begin to see Jesus for who he really is and who we are because of Him." can I say that is absolutely awesome and exactly what I'm looking for. Funny thing is when i picked up this journal I just thought it was a booklet to tell me about the church because the only thing on the front is the title and to my surprise when i opened it up I said this is exactly what i need. Thank you Lord for direction! So each day I'm going to post what is in the journal and my answers. The beautiful thing about this is its short passages and there no reason i could not be consistent with this.Oh and a few things that were improvised is not anymore..exercise i do that between 3-5 x a week, play (which I'm including artistic playtime)..is done at least 2x a day. still have to work on the romance/adventure. My husband is a really romantic guy but i think its kind of slacked off in the consistency of romance since we got married. Am i romanced several times yearly. oh yes. what i would like is monthly so it looks like i may need to implement that over the next few months.
Oooh....I am very intrigued about the 47 days long journal!! I can't wait to read all about it!!