Quote that spoke to me

I cant remember where today I ran across the below quote but I just came across it again through an expressive arts newsletter and it spoke to me even louder:

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

-Anais Nin

I am currently pondering that quote since i am allowing my soul to recharge.We often stay in the state of less for one reason or another (often times its safer) but then we realize that state doesn't fit who we are today..that state hurts us more than the fear to see what else is on the other side of unknown limitless possibility. We no longer want to stay that bud but we want to blossom. I'm saying we because i think that's a shared feeling among many. I believe this ties into me enlarging my vision that God has spoke to me about. I have been saved by Christ 9 years so it was my early 20's when i came to him. I continue to grow in him. One desire that has grown deeper and deeper as i age is to become the woman he created me to be. Because of this I can no longer stop at seeing things bud (realizations, breaking through barriers) but I need to blossom. A rose is magnificent is how it blooms..it blooms wide and i think that is how God wants us to be. He has equip us with so many things that start out as a seed then a bud then it blooms. This year is about enlarging my vision because being on autopilot is not doing anything for the things God put inside of me aside from letting it be dormant. I dont want to die as a bud.

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