Creative Arts Exercise

I signed up for an expressive arts coach newsletter weeks ago ( when I was researching art therapy and came across expressive arts (still has me excited). I just got the first newsletter (well not just (I got it a week ago and I finally have time to view it) so here goes. The newsletter starts out by taking us through two exercises: 1. guided imagery and 2. making a collage from our soul (my collage is seen to the left..I tried to move it but couldn't figure out how).
According to the expressive arts coach since i decided to take the adventure of creative exercises I am:
1. creative
2. need creativity in your life
3. enjoy exercising your creative muscles
She hopes I'm honoring this part of your Self on a weekly basis! If not, things may seem a bit unbalanced for me. She said I need to consistently engage in some sort of creative endeavor.

I wouldn't say I'm unbalanced right now but I do need some creativity so this is what I needed. I ignored my creative self for a long time so its time to rekindle my relationship with the artistic self. Carey sent me this wonderful website that I have to finish reading but it talked about Artist's Date and i need to start committing myself to taking myself out once a week. It is defined as a "once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you. The Artist Date need not be overtly "artistic"-- think mischief more than mastery" Someone else said Artist Date consists of the following:
• A commitment of time spent on yourself once a week. • Time spent solely on you -- no companions allowed. • A date with your inner-artist, or your inner-child. Same thing I just like the bullets:) I think i can consider what I am doing now an artist's date since 1. I'm by myself and 2. I am engaging in some creativity exercises. I think this most definitely qualifies. Sure I should be sleeping but already I feel energized.

What' s funny about all this is a couple of months i was talking to J about the need to do something creative. Then i got a couple of resources from Carey and a month or two later I got into an enlightening convo with J about my purpose. Everything indeed has a season and activity under heaven.

CREATIVITY EXERCISE #1Visualization or Guided Imagery
The coach talked for about 6 minutes and told us to close our eyes and breathe and imagine a room (we should ask our self what it looked like colors and furniture) and that a guest is coming to the door who has a present (who is the guest and what did they bring us). when it was over she asked us to journal about this experience. I really have no interest in writing in my journal about this but I did find it quite relaxing.

CREATIVITY EXERCISE #2Make a Collage from Your Soul
I finished my collage with Indie Arie in the background (pic you see at the top). By the time i finished "I Choose" was playing which is very appropriate. I feel the this collage is truly a collage to my soul. It shows how i envision a world that I follow God's will and heart to the ends of the earth by empowering women. Not sure everything in the pic with my camera phone is clear but it says from top to bottom:

Naturally Steph

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom .

Experience A Life Free With God's Word

Rediscover Life

Authentic Living



Love Your Life

In the middle a woman is floating in air (representing true freedom)

At the bottom the words say:

To be His Hands and His Heart

One by one, these women are being transformed by God's power

Extending a Hand of Hope

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