Ouch! Back
So as I mentioned on Sunday i had back issues. On Monday it felt better yay! but during the course of the day it got worse to the point every move i made was ouch, all the weight shifted to one side of my body and i was walking slumped over. I got home and when i moved my leg it hurt worse it was a struggle just to get in bed. Of course i texted my nurse bff and she said it sounded like sciatic nerve and i might need some back adjustments but try heatcompress, salt bath (which there was no way i could do because i could get down that far), and some advil. the heat helped a bit but i was still in pain. Tuesday turned around and the pain wasn't as bad but still bad. so i finished payroll from home and took a sick day for the rest of the day. Wednesday wasnt any better so i decided to see a doctor (my doctor just closed down her practice so i tried my new doctor who was out of the office this week...great). So off to the hospital I went because this isnt getting better. apparently i have a sprained back so they gave me muscle relaxer injection and Tylenol 3..it felt so good.So i was able to travel to DC for work on Thursday with no major back issues. I felt the stiffness again so i took my pills and knocked it right out. the sucky thing is i brought my rolling luggage so i didnt have to carry my laptop but by the time i got home I wish i did just carry it on my shoulder because lifting the bag irritated my back more. I am feeling better in this moment with the help of my pills. I have no idea why i am up at 430 though. Back to sleep I go.
Happy Easter!
Easter is definitely my fav holiday of the year because my Christ rose from the dead!To think about all that Christ did for my/our sins and what he is still doing is incredible. I read this lovely devotional on Good Friday from Joel
He is Risen!
"…He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen…"
(Matthew 28:6, NLT
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We have a reason to celebrate today because we serve a God who is alive and filled with resurrection power! Not only did He resurrect Jesus from the dead, but He wants to extend His resurrection power into every single area of your life, today!
Maybe you have a dream to get out of debt, pay off your house or be free from that burden of lack; but it looks like it's impossible. Business is slow. The economy is down. You've gone as far as your education allows. But God is saying, "I'm not limited by those things. I've got resurrection power. I can give you one break that will thrust you to a new level. I can open up doors that no man can shut. I can bring talent out of you that you didn't know you had. I can cause people, for no reason, to go out of their way to want to be good to you."
Your part is to keep believing today knowing that He wants to bring you into supernatural increase. Remember, He is risen, He is alive, and He is faithful to His Word. Trust Him today and let His resurrection power work in your life!
Father God, thank You for Your resurrection power at work in my life. Today, I give You my broken dreams, disappointments, failures and setbacks and trust that You will breathe Your life into me. I trust that You have a good plan for my future and are leading me into total victory! In Jesus' Name.Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
I woke up early on Easter...like way early like 2 am and started cleaning and figuring out where i wanted to worship. i was thinking about Journey since thats the church ive been going to for several Sundays now but didnt know if i wanted to hike all the way uptown so i decided to go to a church closer to me. Welp wouldn't you know that Sunday they were having services uptown. lol. So i decided for now i would wake up early and watch live Joel's Easter Service.I gave God some praise and thank him for all he has done and went back to sleep.
Woke up to my alarm and watched Joel live service. It was soo good and what i needed to start the day. The message didn't really do anything but the service up to that point was good. I got ready to hike uptown when realized i couldn't find my shoes..oh boy so that resulted in me being 20 minutes and leaving out the door and turning back around because i realized how late i was going to be. So i decided to go to a 3:00 service at Times Square...ive been there before ..not my ideal service because the church is so big and i never felt welcomed. Easter was no exception..no hello...just "If you dont have a seat in the main sanctuary go to the overflow room." ugh i hate overflow rooms...it seems so separate. So a lackluster praise and worship team sang and to my wonderful surprise the pastor wasnt go to speak but instead allow a musical that was written 20 years ago about Christ life to go in its place. OMG! It was so wonderful. I laughed and i cried and there was one cheesy part that the musical did that i couldn't explain but it was soo good. Then the pastor came up to do an alter call..people were leaving, childing making alot of noise. I was so annoyed.
But i had a great easter service putting together my two sevices of the day. Praise and worship with Joel and the Easter musical. Yay.
I left churcg and called J to let him know i was on my way home because he was making brunch for me instead of having our group brunch.
My brunch consisted of lemon corn waffles with vanilla and strawberry compote and a spinach, salmon shrimp frittata. OMG! so delicious. I wish my chef husband would cook more. Soo sooo good. Just thinking about it.Served with moscato wine and lime water. It was a good day with the exception of back stuffiness's which i woke up with.
He is Risen!
"…He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen…"
(Matthew 28:6, NLT
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We have a reason to celebrate today because we serve a God who is alive and filled with resurrection power! Not only did He resurrect Jesus from the dead, but He wants to extend His resurrection power into every single area of your life, today!
Maybe you have a dream to get out of debt, pay off your house or be free from that burden of lack; but it looks like it's impossible. Business is slow. The economy is down. You've gone as far as your education allows. But God is saying, "I'm not limited by those things. I've got resurrection power. I can give you one break that will thrust you to a new level. I can open up doors that no man can shut. I can bring talent out of you that you didn't know you had. I can cause people, for no reason, to go out of their way to want to be good to you."
Your part is to keep believing today knowing that He wants to bring you into supernatural increase. Remember, He is risen, He is alive, and He is faithful to His Word. Trust Him today and let His resurrection power work in your life!
Father God, thank You for Your resurrection power at work in my life. Today, I give You my broken dreams, disappointments, failures and setbacks and trust that You will breathe Your life into me. I trust that You have a good plan for my future and are leading me into total victory! In Jesus' Name.Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
I woke up early on Easter...like way early like 2 am and started cleaning and figuring out where i wanted to worship. i was thinking about Journey since thats the church ive been going to for several Sundays now but didnt know if i wanted to hike all the way uptown so i decided to go to a church closer to me. Welp wouldn't you know that Sunday they were having services uptown. lol. So i decided for now i would wake up early and watch live Joel's Easter Service.I gave God some praise and thank him for all he has done and went back to sleep.
Woke up to my alarm and watched Joel live service. It was soo good and what i needed to start the day. The message didn't really do anything but the service up to that point was good. I got ready to hike uptown when realized i couldn't find my shoes..oh boy so that resulted in me being 20 minutes and leaving out the door and turning back around because i realized how late i was going to be. So i decided to go to a 3:00 service at Times Square...ive been there before ..not my ideal service because the church is so big and i never felt welcomed. Easter was no exception..no hello...just "If you dont have a seat in the main sanctuary go to the overflow room." ugh i hate overflow rooms...it seems so separate. So a lackluster praise and worship team sang and to my wonderful surprise the pastor wasnt go to speak but instead allow a musical that was written 20 years ago about Christ life to go in its place. OMG! It was so wonderful. I laughed and i cried and there was one cheesy part that the musical did that i couldn't explain but it was soo good. Then the pastor came up to do an alter call..people were leaving, childing making alot of noise. I was so annoyed.
But i had a great easter service putting together my two sevices of the day. Praise and worship with Joel and the Easter musical. Yay.
I left churcg and called J to let him know i was on my way home because he was making brunch for me instead of having our group brunch.
My brunch consisted of lemon corn waffles with vanilla and strawberry compote and a spinach, salmon shrimp frittata. OMG! so delicious. I wish my chef husband would cook more. Soo sooo good. Just thinking about it.Served with moscato wine and lime water. It was a good day with the exception of back stuffiness's which i woke up with.
Productive Art Day out of nowhere
I was feeling kind of meh/frustrated just due to my body not cooperating with me so i took the time to get out on paper like my hubby always tell me and i created three drawings. It felt so good especially since i havent drawn in awhile.
Horseback Riding

I was so excited to go horseback riding on a guided trail since i enjoyed it so much the first time i went 3 or 4 years ago in VA (it was beautiful you could see the mountainside). So I was all geared up to go this time because i was suprised there was even a trail in NY. The subway ride took 2 hours from Brooklyn to Bronx and then i had to catch a bus (first time ever in NY..i didnt realize they only ran twice an hour and i just saw my bus roll by so of course i was going to be late). I ended up meeting some people on the bus after i overheard them asking about the stables and the driver said we misse dour stop it was wayyy back there. We got off and walked and one of the people actually the organizer called one of her friends to come get us.where we were walking was really beautiful near the water. Too bad we were late and had to get a move on.
So it was time to get a horse and i was a second person to get one so one of the stable guys brought me one and told me to hop on. Well our guide shouted "she's too fat for this horse..his legs are weak and cant carry her. This horse can only take skinny people or small children. Dont just put people on any hourse without checking with me." OMG! Can you say mortified!!! So i got off so embarrassd and they brought me a horse that was called "Grandpa" slower but smart. im like what a name but im not mad its slow. i look ahead and the guide is already giving instructions which i miss and my horse wouldnt go so she told me to kick my feet. now first off im thinking why is she the only one to go with the four of us. Last time each person had a guide in case the horse got out of hand so we started down the trail and the horses stopped to eat and we walked some more down the trail.
The next thing i knew Grandpa did a u turn and started galloping through the damn woods...i mean galloping. i was screaming and terrified cause i didnt know what to do and i didnt want to do the wrong thing and he throws me off. I'm crying and getting hysterical and wondering why the guide did not come after me. Finally i recognize that we are going back to the stables and i saw people upahead and started screaming help and some guy helped me. I was a mess and he asked if i was ok and i shook my head as i was wiping tears. Then he brought me back to one of the stable workers and she was like are you okay and i said yes. she said do you want to get down or do you want another horse. i said i want another horse a tamed one in between sniffles. she said ill call the guide to come back for you in the meantime. wth why isnt she coming back in the 1st place. i was done! so i got another horse which i didnt bother to know its name. The guide said are you nervous and i said yes so she hitched me to her horse and said why dont you just enjoy the ride. ill take care of everything. Fine with me so i let go of the reins. she was like you were a real cowgirl out there. uh huh. so she tried to make jokes and talk to make me feel better and shes like turn around to see your friends galloping behind us. no thank you. so since i wasnt in control it was better but i am done with horseback riding.
We returned to the stables and everybody wanted to take a pic on their horse...not me just get me off. The organizer ran up and hug me and asked if i was okay and nodded now.afterwards we went to eat at this seafood restaurant which was good and got to know each other a little better. My commute back was awful because the train wasnt running so me and two other members had to catch a shuttle bus and another train back. done done with that day and im still really sore two days later. Interesting to say the least.
Pics posing with the horse before the ride, me being hitched to the guide (see pink rope) and out at the restaurant after the ride
Volunteering has been on my heart for awhile but for whatever reason not until this last month or so did i begin to actively look for places to volunteer. I joined volunteer meetups hoping that this would give me the opportunity to volunteer and as i wrote weeks back i missed one opportunity and then another one presented itself on Saturday. The volunteer work was at a soup kitchen ---the morning shift from 8 am-12 pm. Now everyone that knows me i am a later riser than that but i figured it was about sacrifice and its about doing something from someone else. after dragging myself out of bed after such a long week in DC for work and visiting friends I arrived at the soup kitchen at 805. I was worried because i was late but come to find out i was one of the first people to arrive (I arrived along with another girl). After introductions the organizer gave me and the girl cake duty. I'm like oh Lawd that should be interesting but it was easy 5 eggs 1/2 cup of oil. spray can and pop the huge cake in the oven. We did a total of 8 batches of cake and it was such a nice time talking to the girl..come to find out shes a fine arts student so we got talking about art. Our next assignment was handing out color tickets to the homeless people based on age. I was overwhelmed how many people were there.You know theres a great need you cant walk down many corners without seeing many people holding up signs but to be face to face with people..ahh..that's something else. I breathe and said Lawd let me be your hands and feet.
My next assignment was the breakfast line serving beverages. I greeted everyone and asked what they wanted..some people had lots of humor...some thanked me for my service and there was one grumpy person but overall it was so nice serving. Then after an hour on the breakfast line it became self service and i was moved to the bread station for the majority of the time. ive never seen so much bread in my life (30 bags of bread). The goal was too slice up the bread to be served for lunch.
After being at the station for 15 minutes it was break time for us 12 volunteers over breakfast where the organizer told us about the soup kitchen and how it was started by two NYU profressors eventhough its not affilated with NYU and later the tradition is still going on. This place was to provide a space for peace and dignity for the homeless. Hearing that statement resonated soo much for me that i had a "this is it moment" this is the place i want to devote my time. I looked across the room and saw the Bless Scriptures (Matthew 5:3-11). It was definitely confirmed this was a place for me. she went on to say lunch time is their primary purpose but people started to line up early so they decided to include breakfast as well. They have a computer set-up and a social worker available during the time there. It was amazing to see how many men here and literally see a few women sprinkled about. The organizers went on to say everything is prepared by the volunteers and its about a healthy wholesome meal ...meatloaf, vegetables, salad, fruit, and cake and they serve it like a waiter in a resturant. There is no line service here. There 's is a koshery bakery that donates their breads and pastries because they cannot sell something from sunup to sundownand they do not want it going to waste. the more i listened the more i loved this place.
It was time to get back to work so more slicing of the bread for awhile and i got to meet more volunteers who were also at the bread station. I loved when i looked around there was so much diversity among the workers. Lastly it was time to cut the cake because other people iced..so i was the first one to start cutting...um can i say mine was not pretty the cake started falling apart ..it was a mess. The organizer said this is why i don't cut the cake. lol. and another guy said its beautiful but i know you're like he's lying. i said yes i do but I'm going to say you are not lying...you are trying to encourage me. lol. So i decided i wasn't going to cut any more cakes so one of my bread station people decided to grab a cake to cut and i decided i would plate them on the cart. she was having a hard time taking it out and said whoever did this did not put enough oil in this pain. i just said tsk tsk...yes my identity was hidden since she wasn't here when the cakes were done. lol. But a good time was had and that was my last assignment. I enjoyed it so much that i signed up for the following Saturday. Volunteering certainly does my heart good.No one else showed up from my meetup but i didnt care. I did something that was rewarding so i was glad i showed up.
My next assignment was the breakfast line serving beverages. I greeted everyone and asked what they wanted..some people had lots of humor...some thanked me for my service and there was one grumpy person but overall it was so nice serving. Then after an hour on the breakfast line it became self service and i was moved to the bread station for the majority of the time. ive never seen so much bread in my life (30 bags of bread). The goal was too slice up the bread to be served for lunch.
After being at the station for 15 minutes it was break time for us 12 volunteers over breakfast where the organizer told us about the soup kitchen and how it was started by two NYU profressors eventhough its not affilated with NYU and later the tradition is still going on. This place was to provide a space for peace and dignity for the homeless. Hearing that statement resonated soo much for me that i had a "this is it moment" this is the place i want to devote my time. I looked across the room and saw the Bless Scriptures (Matthew 5:3-11). It was definitely confirmed this was a place for me. she went on to say lunch time is their primary purpose but people started to line up early so they decided to include breakfast as well. They have a computer set-up and a social worker available during the time there. It was amazing to see how many men here and literally see a few women sprinkled about. The organizers went on to say everything is prepared by the volunteers and its about a healthy wholesome meal ...meatloaf, vegetables, salad, fruit, and cake and they serve it like a waiter in a resturant. There is no line service here. There 's is a koshery bakery that donates their breads and pastries because they cannot sell something from sunup to sundownand they do not want it going to waste. the more i listened the more i loved this place.
It was time to get back to work so more slicing of the bread for awhile and i got to meet more volunteers who were also at the bread station. I loved when i looked around there was so much diversity among the workers. Lastly it was time to cut the cake because other people iced..so i was the first one to start cutting...um can i say mine was not pretty the cake started falling apart ..it was a mess. The organizer said this is why i don't cut the cake. lol. and another guy said its beautiful but i know you're like he's lying. i said yes i do but I'm going to say you are not lying...you are trying to encourage me. lol. So i decided i wasn't going to cut any more cakes so one of my bread station people decided to grab a cake to cut and i decided i would plate them on the cart. she was having a hard time taking it out and said whoever did this did not put enough oil in this pain. i just said tsk tsk...yes my identity was hidden since she wasn't here when the cakes were done. lol. But a good time was had and that was my last assignment. I enjoyed it so much that i signed up for the following Saturday. Volunteering certainly does my heart good.No one else showed up from my meetup but i didnt care. I did something that was rewarding so i was glad i showed up.
Morning/Evening pages -April 5, 2011
Ive only been awake for maybe 25 minutes and one of the things I wanted to write before I left for work were my morning/evening pages. Before the day has started I wanted to get this in and just see how my day blossoms.
My artists way devotional today speaks of successful art is built on successful friendships. Friends are what enable artists to go the distance. I think that is so true..I don't know how far in my artistic walk i would go if God didn't surround me with a support system when it comes to being creative..hubby, Robin, Carey,and Kia. It's important whatever we do to have a support system, a cheer leading section. people who push you and ensure you stay on the right track.
Joel devotional speaks on not stumbling and how the enemy has placed all kinds of stumbling blocks in our paths. when we making the word of God our priority it helps us move forward with our eyes open. His words lights our path and helps us clearly see where to step.
My prayer for today that I get firmly on the course of making God my # priority that nothing goes on until i have my time with him. Because everything comes from him. He is where i draw strength from. I pray that through these morning pages a shift starts to happen in my life in my art when it comes to him. I read that God's gift to us is our talent but our Gift to God is what we do with that talent. I no longer want to hide anything that God has given me. I pray for unearthing to happen...for the roots to taken forth all over my life and my friends life. That whatever seedling , whatever talent God has given you that we all one day at a time do something with that talent. We all day by day meditate on the word day and night so we may be fed. So we may be strong when circumstances happen. I also pray that whenever we need some encouragement, some support, some love... that as always God will send in people to do just that and we will recognize that's nothing but God. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
My artists way devotional today speaks of successful art is built on successful friendships. Friends are what enable artists to go the distance. I think that is so true..I don't know how far in my artistic walk i would go if God didn't surround me with a support system when it comes to being creative..hubby, Robin, Carey,and Kia. It's important whatever we do to have a support system, a cheer leading section. people who push you and ensure you stay on the right track.
Joel devotional speaks on not stumbling and how the enemy has placed all kinds of stumbling blocks in our paths. when we making the word of God our priority it helps us move forward with our eyes open. His words lights our path and helps us clearly see where to step.
My prayer for today that I get firmly on the course of making God my # priority that nothing goes on until i have my time with him. Because everything comes from him. He is where i draw strength from. I pray that through these morning pages a shift starts to happen in my life in my art when it comes to him. I read that God's gift to us is our talent but our Gift to God is what we do with that talent. I no longer want to hide anything that God has given me. I pray for unearthing to happen...for the roots to taken forth all over my life and my friends life. That whatever seedling , whatever talent God has given you that we all one day at a time do something with that talent. We all day by day meditate on the word day and night so we may be fed. So we may be strong when circumstances happen. I also pray that whenever we need some encouragement, some support, some love... that as always God will send in people to do just that and we will recognize that's nothing but God. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Morning/Evening Pages -April 4, 2011
For my artists way program I’m supposed to write morning pages but they have been such a struggle to me. I think there was one week since I started that I wrote 10 out of the fourteen days but it went to the waist side after that. I identify more with artist dates..that has become a priority for me and feel necessary morning pages not so much.
I read something in my artists way devotional that has me looking at morning pages in a different way ..it mentioned morning pages being more like a prayer which I like instead of always unconscious stream of thinking but then I wondered why am I picking between the two. For once instead of planning something out..loosely or detailed why don’t I go with the flow and see what comes out. Because I'm usually irritated at the outcome when I go with the flow. Example yesterday…i had my day fully planned out ..artists way, vegetarian food festival, church (from 11 am to 7:30 pm my day was planned). Brakes came at the vegetarian food festival when the line spread among 3 blocks and after standing in line for 20 minutes a lady said the wait is 3+ hours just to get into the event. I was so appreciative and floored at the same time…I was looking forward to do this for a week. So I said what am I going to do…go with the flow ..sure why not. I was miserable I tried to waste time and ended up buying stuff that I do not need and will be returning it today. I ended up lost in Manhattan for 45 minutes trying to find a church. I was just done done. Now I know I have to have a loose back up plan.
Today I'm reminded of intent. How each day we should be living our life with more intent. God came so we could not only have life but to have it abundantly. I feel like when I set out my week re: Sacred Friday words..I’m on the lookout how things play out for me in the week but I never am purposeful about any of the words so I think it’s a good idea to bring Grace Cards to Sacred Friday permanently because the two ideas may be a nice blend. I’m looking at how Carey chose to bring out her creative side in a different way and how I’m visually feeling and seeing these Grace Cards. Time passes by so quickly and I need to be doing more with it. I need to exercise my creativity. Carey has given me a tool…blog that speaks on being creative every day. That along with one of my blogs that sends daily tips sends me on my way. This book has been an extraordinary blessing to me. But Ive noticed Ive stopped doing the exercises because it requires a lot more than yes or no and I don’t know if I'm ready to uncover but Just in this moment I'm thinking if I'm not ready to uncover fully why am I here on this artistic journey. I want to experience true freedom like never before/king if I'm not ready to uncover fully why am I here on this artistic journey. I want to experience true freedom like never before.
In today’s entry it speaks to God being present everywhere. The act of making art is a direct path to contact with God, and we don’t need to travel anywhere to experience the grace of connection. I love this!
My prayer for today is that God favor and purpose in my life, my friends and family lives are realized. That we know that any dream/vision from God…. will come to pass. That we have no reason to fear anything in contradictory of God’s word to us. We need to stand, believe and take action on that word even if its one step at a time. We need to remember that God is present everywhere. He will never leave or forsake us. So in everything we do lets do it for God’s glory. Art is no exception to this. I need to make art because that’s an additional way that God is communicating through me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I pray that prayer over myself and anyone else who is dealing with insecurity, fear, and lack in any area. I love you Jesus! In Christ’s precious name I pray Amen.
I read something in my artists way devotional that has me looking at morning pages in a different way ..it mentioned morning pages being more like a prayer which I like instead of always unconscious stream of thinking but then I wondered why am I picking between the two. For once instead of planning something out..loosely or detailed why don’t I go with the flow and see what comes out. Because I'm usually irritated at the outcome when I go with the flow. Example yesterday…i had my day fully planned out ..artists way, vegetarian food festival, church (from 11 am to 7:30 pm my day was planned). Brakes came at the vegetarian food festival when the line spread among 3 blocks and after standing in line for 20 minutes a lady said the wait is 3+ hours just to get into the event. I was so appreciative and floored at the same time…I was looking forward to do this for a week. So I said what am I going to do…go with the flow ..sure why not. I was miserable I tried to waste time and ended up buying stuff that I do not need and will be returning it today. I ended up lost in Manhattan for 45 minutes trying to find a church. I was just done done. Now I know I have to have a loose back up plan.
Today I'm reminded of intent. How each day we should be living our life with more intent. God came so we could not only have life but to have it abundantly. I feel like when I set out my week re: Sacred Friday words..I’m on the lookout how things play out for me in the week but I never am purposeful about any of the words so I think it’s a good idea to bring Grace Cards to Sacred Friday permanently because the two ideas may be a nice blend. I’m looking at how Carey chose to bring out her creative side in a different way and how I’m visually feeling and seeing these Grace Cards. Time passes by so quickly and I need to be doing more with it. I need to exercise my creativity. Carey has given me a tool…blog that speaks on being creative every day. That along with one of my blogs that sends daily tips sends me on my way. This book has been an extraordinary blessing to me. But Ive noticed Ive stopped doing the exercises because it requires a lot more than yes or no and I don’t know if I'm ready to uncover but Just in this moment I'm thinking if I'm not ready to uncover fully why am I here on this artistic journey. I want to experience true freedom like never before/king if I'm not ready to uncover fully why am I here on this artistic journey. I want to experience true freedom like never before.
In today’s entry it speaks to God being present everywhere. The act of making art is a direct path to contact with God, and we don’t need to travel anywhere to experience the grace of connection. I love this!
My prayer for today is that God favor and purpose in my life, my friends and family lives are realized. That we know that any dream/vision from God…. will come to pass. That we have no reason to fear anything in contradictory of God’s word to us. We need to stand, believe and take action on that word even if its one step at a time. We need to remember that God is present everywhere. He will never leave or forsake us. So in everything we do lets do it for God’s glory. Art is no exception to this. I need to make art because that’s an additional way that God is communicating through me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I pray that prayer over myself and anyone else who is dealing with insecurity, fear, and lack in any area. I love you Jesus! In Christ’s precious name I pray Amen.
Absolutely Charming

On day 2 of my mental health day i thought i had time to take my bubble bath i didn't get to yesterday before i went out to continue to fill my well on the things that i needed. But wouldn't you know after lighting candles..getting my glass of wine..the water ran out the tub:( Then i refilled and it was nothing but cold water:( I started to complain and then was reminded that eventough things don't go as planned it doesn't have to ruin my day.
I took a quick cold shower and met my friend Melody (hubby's college friend who is turning out to be my friend) at Grand Central. I told Melody that i was planning a mental health day on Friday where i wanted to take the metro north train to this town called Cold Spring that i heard was charming and asked if she was off and was willing to go with me. Immediately she said she would take off. Yay for company! So we were off to Cold Spring. What attracted me to Cold Spring was when i read this "...our visitors continue to find relaxation. Just one hour and 100 years from New York City, Cold Spring and neighboring Garrison are havens from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Our landmark Main Street district is lined with 19th Century storefronts made for leisurely shopping and strolling. Antiques shops are filled to the brim with antiques and collectibles. Unique specialty shops showcase whimsical gifts, colorful home accessories and stylish clothing and jewelry. Or browse galleries and gardens, tour museums, see a play or take in a concert. Soak up the sun in our riverfront parks, then watch it set behind West Point and Storm King Mountain. The best thing about Cold Spring relative to New York City is that you don't need a car or a taxi to stay or get around." The description sounded like exactly what i needed.
As Melody and i talked and laughed on our journey to cold spring we came across the beautiful rivers...so calming.... houses in the mountains on the hillside which was gorgeous. The only bad thing was the weather..rain...yuck but i was determined not to let it ruin my day. We got off the train in a little over an hour and walked down a path and saw these charming houses (i would have taken pics but wouldn't you know my phone died on the way there). i was able to grab just a few pics when i was able to charge it at a place we stopped by later. Melody and i toured the inside of the antique shops, ate at a lovely restaurant that had ambiance but (cough) after an incident with the taste of the food or lack thereof ..Melody got indigent and told them we were not paying for our meals.so that was the end of that. i was so hungry and I'm not a happy camper hungry so I saw another place. It ended up having such a homey cozy feel (not my normal place i like) but it was so comforting like being in a living room. We were seated by the fireplace and there were books on the wall for you to read. It reminded me of what simpler times felt like. As for the menu unfortunately they didn't have much but batter fried stuff and no vegetarian meals so i settled on chili as did Melody and it was good especially on a cold rainy day. Comfort foods are that for a reason and i was reminded that simple things can also be wonderful. The unexpected can be exactly what you need at the time. I was looking forward to visting this restoration house with gardens that i looked up but unfortunately after talking to my waitress i found the restoration house isn't as close as what I had read had me to believe and its not the best time to go.She suggested coming back in a couple of months when its warm and then i could take the trolley there. i loved the idea of the trolley..it reminds me of OC so i will definitely be back. On the way back i didn't do much talking i just wanted to enjoy the sights and feelings of the river and being on the train and it all lulled me to sleep. This was a great day even though only one thing i got accomplished that was on my list it was exactly all i needed. sometimes i need to let go of my lists and let things unfold as they want. Be still and let God be God...
As I enjoyed my delightful time at Cold Spring I am reminded of Carey and I sacred friday words this week...
Beauty: Surround yourself with simple pleasures. Beauty is the language of the divine.
Gosh i found nothing but beauty in this town. Simple pleasures all around; Relaxation; Beauty of the river and the homes; Quaintness of the village, chili in a cozy dive bar, antique shops; a door in cold spring that had a sign that said "little blessings make each day beautiful"; gerbera flowers i bought yesterday that isnt my typical flowers i like but what i noticed today after coming back from my trip is the beauty in these flowers is they vary in size and colors. I'm reminded of the beauty that everyone of us have. We vary in shapes, colors, and sizes but we are all masterpieces of God. We all have unique talents.
Faith: Have faith. Every event we experience and every person we meet has been put in our path for a reason.
I believe God is reminding me of this very fact with my job and with Melody. Melody has been here for years but i never thought about striking up a relationship but I'm so glad we did.Because she provides the laughter in my life.
Ask: When we call upon the Divine for guidance and support, we will receive a response. Spiritual signposts will be put in our path to guide us to our highest good.
Who doesnt love signposts. Like i said in yesterday post Ive been channeling into my friends emotions this week and today i received a signpost in my path. My friend cory sends me a reply note to how Ive been feeling and he mentions when you are a great listener, you will some times wind up carrying the burdens of friends and even others as well.There is a song about lying down all your burdens at the feet of the Lord. well a few minutes later I read Joel's devotional that was titled "Find Rest." How appropriate!
“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”
(Matthew 11:29, NIV)
Sometimes the day-to-day pressures of life can cause unnecessary stress. In fact, many people lose sleep worrying about things or people in their lives. But God doesn’t want us to live stressed out and overwhelmed. He wants us to live a life of rest and peace.
When Jesus walked on this earth, He took time for Himself. He got away from the crowds. He spent time with the Father. That’s how He found rest. He was gentle and humble in heart. Do you ever notice that when you are stressed out or worrying about something, you’re less tolerant of others? You’re more likely to say something you don’t really mean. Today, God wants you to cast your cares on Him and live with a gentle and humble attitude. When you release your burdens and follow the example of Jesus, you will find rest for your soul. You will be rejuvenated and refreshed! You will find peace in your heart, and you will move forward in the abundant life God has for you!"
Confirimations!! Yay! I feel so good and im going to take some more time to veg out.
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