Excerpt of an article on spirtual discpline

It's funny on my day off i decided to go to the computer and i write on my blog because i have gotten out the habit of writing on a consistent basis. But consistent seems like the word of the day ...i just realized I dont do alot of things on a consistent basis (praying/reading my bible as much as much as I want to/should, eating, exercising, having me time and i need to do this. I need to exercising in ever area of my life. I ran across one of my devotionals and i c/p an excerpt of it because i find it very fitting:... the Bible tells us to devote ourselves to spiritual disciplines:* reading God’s Word.* fellowshipping with God in continual conversation.* doing God’s work in the world by using the gifts He has given us.“Be diligent in these matter; give yourself wholly to them …”– 1 Timothy 5:15In the past, I have faced days – even weeks or months – where I did little to keep my spiritual muscles toned.Brother Lawrence, a 17th century monk, spent many years disciplining his heart to yield to God’s presence. It was, in essence, his “practice.”In his book, “The Practice of the Presence of God,” Brother Lawrence wrote that we “practice” God’s presence by keeping Him in mind at all times, even while doing the most mundane tasks of our day.I want to live life like that. I want to practice God’s presence all my days – and all my hours.Thankfully, God doesn’t hang a scarlet letter over us if we fall flat on our spiritual faces. He invites us to come as we are and to start where we are. But He promises to never leave us there.

QUESTIONS FOR YOU: Could you use a giant letter “P” in your life? How do you keep your spiritual life toned by “practicing God’s presence” each day, or even each hour?

Yes i could use a giant letter of practicing and I'm going to start today because each day we have an opportunity to start all over again. It's not about the lack or what happened yesterday but it's about today.

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