Morning Time with God
I got up an hour early groggy, pressed snooze once, and wanting to go back to sleep but remember another conversation that come up with DM re God that i remembered..morning time. ...first few moments. so i got up and read my devotional "hearing from God each morning", confident woman and so long insecurity you've been a bad friend to me (correction of the time for one of my last posts) by bath moore along with my bible and another devotional. i used the awaken oil DM gave me and prayed over myself and my gifts and the things that lie dormant to come alive. I picked my 3 grace cards: Shine (step into the light. you are a gift to the world). Direction (look for clues. Grace will lead us to the exact events and experiences we need at precisely the right time) and Honor (care for your soul. Honor the divinity within you by practicing extreme self care). Very timely grace cards. I felt encouraged and remembered why its a shame i always let my morning ritual go away.i embraced the day in a much more powerful way
Amazing Book
I forgot to mention on my post about the library about the great find I saw as i was leaving the art section. I ran across a book called "Letters to a Young Artist" Building A Life In Art by Julia Cameron. Can i say this is among my books of influential books? It is amazing!!! I almost finished this easy read of 160 pages. There's a few letters that don't hit me in a particular way but then there's those pages that does and i scream YES!!! Below are excerpts of the goodness ive found. its so inspiring to me as im meeting myself as the artist. This was the book i needed to strengthen and encourage that inner child of mine. i kinda wish i read this when i was younger but im a big believer in things happening at the right time.
- Pg 9-Making art takes guts. Choosing to be vulnerable and exposed rather than safely blocked is a risky venture.
- Pg 15-Making art is as natural as breathing. Just like breathing, you do need to do it, and with coaching you can perhaps learn to do it better.
- Pg 35-Your job is not to be interesting but to be interested. If you are interested enough by what is trying to come through you., you will forget your conventional self and respond in authentic and often surprising ways to the creative force moving through you.
- Creativity is not something you possess but something that expresses through you.
- Pg 58-If art is a spiritual activity and we area ll equally sourced in God, then that tells you both what you need to know and who you need to know:God in the form of creativity itself. Try trusting your unfolding to God and you will be just a little less shattered when someone doesnt like your work. Believe that your gift comes from God and that using it is your gift back to God.
- -pg 83-When we believe "the odds" are stacked against us, we are choosing to believe that "the odds" are more powerful not only than our own gifts but also than God. If the tiny mustard seed can become a tree, if the acorn can become the oak, why cant our ideas flourish into mighty manifestations. It comes down to the question of self-worth, doesn't it?
- pg-97 There is a direct relationship between self-nurturing and our capacity for a sustained creative flow. we dont want to work spasmodically and sporadically/ We want to work consistently and creatively. This means we must treat ourselves as finely tuned mechanisms. We must learn what makes us thrive and give ourselves a diet of those nutrients.
- pg 109 To an eye, an artist never has enough time. and so it is up to us to make time. We need to safegaurd our time against other people and their however well meaning agendas for us. Morning pages..
- Pg 112-what are you doing these days to explore beyond your comfort zone?
- i keep a sign posted in my work area that reads "i am willing to make bad art" (how amazing is that statement going to do this as julia says its shuts down that inner critic)
- Pg 131-Every time you make a piece of art, you locate yourself, your precise position, o n the longitude and latitude of your experience. You learn who you are and what you believe.
Trip to the library
On Monday I decided to go to the library and get some collage art books since DM said thats what we'll be doing on my next session along with some christian books (morning devotional by joyce meyer, confident woman by joyce meyer and beth moore insecurity no more). After my session with DM i started thinking about what she said--what stands between you and the person God has created in that picture with the butterfly and i mumbled something but i realized on monday its insecurity, lack of confidence that i am enough so thats why i got my books on those subject. on my way to the gym a vision came to my head how i want to portray motherhood for the sketchbook project. I just got to figure out the small details....sooo happy i was almost skipping. I just felt sooo good..i watched a powerful service with joel. it wasnt so much his message but the praise and worship that one song left me in tears as well as the words joel and victoria spoke during the service. i felt strengthened. i felt renewed.
Blog Entry I read on ways to grow
Like plants on the first day of spring, you can blossom to achieve your dreams.
What happens to a beautiful plant that outgrows its container? If you don't repot it, eventually it withers and dies. Repotting is our term for transplanting yourself into a larger growth environment. Just as gardeners look for ways to promote growth in spring, you can rejuvenate your life by following this step-by-step process. Here's the first idea to help you grow
Rethink Your Landscape
Adopting a new perspective is the first step to successful repotting. Just as some plants need a different environment to thrive, you need to start thinking in new ways. Ask yourself: What is really important to me? What trade-offs do I need to make to bring more light and meaning into my personal garden? What will bring color to my landscape? For example, if you are constantly traveling for work, but missing important family events, you could shift your priorities and adjust your schedule.
Planting is a process
Slow down and create time in your schedule to research new avenues for personal growth. Don't be afraid of empty spaces. A friend of ours who cut back on her schedule immediately filled the open time slots with new activities. Remember to let "fallow beds" lie--don't fill up your free time until you know what you really want to do.
Let In More Light
Your true gifts may be languishing for lack of sun. In order to grow and change, you'll need to open your mind to new possibilities, set goals that challenge you, and even take some risks. Instead of following a safe path, you might decide to explore something different. We worked with a lawyer who was unhappy with the rigid corporate structure. She ultimately became a pastry chef, giving up financial security in favor of a less constraining lifestyle.
Tend to Your Garden Regularly
Whatever you choose to undertake, whether it's building a new career, volunteering, or pursuing a new hobby, do something every single day to make progress. Don't let distractions take your energy away from the tasks necessary to achieve your goal. If you want to do personal writing but find yourself distracted by TV--try unplugging the set on weekends and using the spare time to keep a journal.
Cultivate Your Dreams
To repot successfully, you need to let your mind run free to entertain new concepts, ideas, and avenues. Unleash your creative side by visualizing a new future for yourself. One of our clients, a mother who spent 20 years raising children, allowed herself to visualize a new identity. She tapped into her inner voice and let her imagination to take her beyond her current role to that of therapist for troubled youth.
Water Your Roots
Find the core values that motivate you. Make sure the life you are living is in sync with your deepest values and priorities. If not, see what you can do to realign it. Let's say you feel the lack of spirituality in your life, but aren't sure how to find it. For two individuals we know, the answer to spiritual fulfillment lay in serving non-profit organizations. Two others took a religious path: one started a Bible study group, and the other entered seminary and was later ordained.
Don't Forget Fertlizer
When you expand your knowledge, you expand your options. For personal growth, ongoing learning is crucial--whether you're pursuing a hobby or gaining new credentials for a career. The stimulation of learning fosters new growth and change at any age. A middle-aged stock market analyst decided to go back to school for an MBA so that she could start a business with her grown daughter.
Plant a Sample Bed
Until you try a plant in your own personal garden, you won't know for sure if the conditions are right for growth. If they're not, you can always rip it out and start again. Embrace trial and error. A woman we know took training to see if she would like to become a massage therapist. While she enjoyed the nurturing aspect, she realized she didn't have the stamina to do it fulltime. She continues at her desk job and has a small massage practice on weekends.
Get Input from Other Gardeners
Tap into your network--family, friends, and colleagues--who may be able to give you feedback, advice, and emotional support. As you benefit from the advice of others, you may also find that you're helping someone else along the way. A woman who wanted to change careers talked openly with her family, professional friends, and people who had known her throughout her life. She found her life enriched by connecting with old friends and developing deeper relationships with new ones.
Weed Your Garden
Take a disciplined approach to finding more time in your day for activities that offer opportunities for growth. Make a list of the "must-do activities," then eliminate non-essentials. A woman we counseled who had her own event-planning firm found her client lunches and after-hours professional activities were getting out of hand. She cut back on the number of commitments to make time for painting classes and choral singing--two long-lost passions.
What happens to a beautiful plant that outgrows its container? If you don't repot it, eventually it withers and dies. Repotting is our term for transplanting yourself into a larger growth environment. Just as gardeners look for ways to promote growth in spring, you can rejuvenate your life by following this step-by-step process. Here's the first idea to help you grow
Rethink Your Landscape
Adopting a new perspective is the first step to successful repotting. Just as some plants need a different environment to thrive, you need to start thinking in new ways. Ask yourself: What is really important to me? What trade-offs do I need to make to bring more light and meaning into my personal garden? What will bring color to my landscape? For example, if you are constantly traveling for work, but missing important family events, you could shift your priorities and adjust your schedule.
Planting is a process
Slow down and create time in your schedule to research new avenues for personal growth. Don't be afraid of empty spaces. A friend of ours who cut back on her schedule immediately filled the open time slots with new activities. Remember to let "fallow beds" lie--don't fill up your free time until you know what you really want to do.
Let In More Light
Your true gifts may be languishing for lack of sun. In order to grow and change, you'll need to open your mind to new possibilities, set goals that challenge you, and even take some risks. Instead of following a safe path, you might decide to explore something different. We worked with a lawyer who was unhappy with the rigid corporate structure. She ultimately became a pastry chef, giving up financial security in favor of a less constraining lifestyle.
Tend to Your Garden Regularly
Whatever you choose to undertake, whether it's building a new career, volunteering, or pursuing a new hobby, do something every single day to make progress. Don't let distractions take your energy away from the tasks necessary to achieve your goal. If you want to do personal writing but find yourself distracted by TV--try unplugging the set on weekends and using the spare time to keep a journal.
Cultivate Your Dreams
To repot successfully, you need to let your mind run free to entertain new concepts, ideas, and avenues. Unleash your creative side by visualizing a new future for yourself. One of our clients, a mother who spent 20 years raising children, allowed herself to visualize a new identity. She tapped into her inner voice and let her imagination to take her beyond her current role to that of therapist for troubled youth.
Water Your Roots
Find the core values that motivate you. Make sure the life you are living is in sync with your deepest values and priorities. If not, see what you can do to realign it. Let's say you feel the lack of spirituality in your life, but aren't sure how to find it. For two individuals we know, the answer to spiritual fulfillment lay in serving non-profit organizations. Two others took a religious path: one started a Bible study group, and the other entered seminary and was later ordained.
Don't Forget Fertlizer
When you expand your knowledge, you expand your options. For personal growth, ongoing learning is crucial--whether you're pursuing a hobby or gaining new credentials for a career. The stimulation of learning fosters new growth and change at any age. A middle-aged stock market analyst decided to go back to school for an MBA so that she could start a business with her grown daughter.
Plant a Sample Bed
Until you try a plant in your own personal garden, you won't know for sure if the conditions are right for growth. If they're not, you can always rip it out and start again. Embrace trial and error. A woman we know took training to see if she would like to become a massage therapist. While she enjoyed the nurturing aspect, she realized she didn't have the stamina to do it fulltime. She continues at her desk job and has a small massage practice on weekends.
Get Input from Other Gardeners
Tap into your network--family, friends, and colleagues--who may be able to give you feedback, advice, and emotional support. As you benefit from the advice of others, you may also find that you're helping someone else along the way. A woman who wanted to change careers talked openly with her family, professional friends, and people who had known her throughout her life. She found her life enriched by connecting with old friends and developing deeper relationships with new ones.
Weed Your Garden
Take a disciplined approach to finding more time in your day for activities that offer opportunities for growth. Make a list of the "must-do activities," then eliminate non-essentials. A woman we counseled who had her own event-planning firm found her client lunches and after-hours professional activities were getting out of hand. She cut back on the number of commitments to make time for painting classes and choral singing--two long-lost passions.
Inspiring Quotes I found on a blog
"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them -- every day begin the task anew."
Saint Francis de Sales
"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl."
Stephan Hoeller
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller
We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
—Eleanor Roosevelt
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I'll try again tomorrow."
—Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey
Don't wait for your ship to come in. Row out to meet it.
Saint Francis de Sales
"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl."
Stephan Hoeller
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller
We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
—Eleanor Roosevelt
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I'll try again tomorrow."
—Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey
Don't wait for your ship to come in. Row out to meet it.
Excerpt of an article on spirtual discpline
It's funny on my day off i decided to go to the computer and i write on my blog because i have gotten out the habit of writing on a consistent basis. But consistent seems like the word of the day ...i just realized I dont do alot of things on a consistent basis (praying/reading my bible as much as much as I want to/should, eating, exercising, having me time and i need to do this. I need to exercising in ever area of my life. I ran across one of my devotionals and i c/p an excerpt of it because i find it very fitting:... the Bible tells us to devote ourselves to spiritual disciplines:* reading God’s Word.* fellowshipping with God in continual conversation.* doing God’s work in the world by using the gifts He has given us.“Be diligent in these matter; give yourself wholly to them …”– 1 Timothy 5:15In the past, I have faced days – even weeks or months – where I did little to keep my spiritual muscles toned.Brother Lawrence, a 17th century monk, spent many years disciplining his heart to yield to God’s presence. It was, in essence, his “practice.”In his book, “The Practice of the Presence of God,” Brother Lawrence wrote that we “practice” God’s presence by keeping Him in mind at all times, even while doing the most mundane tasks of our day.I want to live life like that. I want to practice God’s presence all my days – and all my hours.Thankfully, God doesn’t hang a scarlet letter over us if we fall flat on our spiritual faces. He invites us to come as we are and to start where we are. But He promises to never leave us there.
QUESTIONS FOR YOU: Could you use a giant letter “P” in your life? How do you keep your spiritual life toned by “practicing God’s presence” each day, or even each hour?
Yes i could use a giant letter of practicing and I'm going to start today because each day we have an opportunity to start all over again. It's not about the lack or what happened yesterday but it's about today.
QUESTIONS FOR YOU: Could you use a giant letter “P” in your life? How do you keep your spiritual life toned by “practicing God’s presence” each day, or even each hour?
Yes i could use a giant letter of practicing and I'm going to start today because each day we have an opportunity to start all over again. It's not about the lack or what happened yesterday but it's about today.
Another Article I like-21 Simple Ways to Be Happy
Be your own BFF
Smile, Giggle, Snigger, or Chuckle!(Def. already on my agenda to do more of….hearty laughter is wonderful)
Warm Up Your Tootsies (hmmm..toes huh…I just like to be warm in general)
Sing out loud !
Indulge in Dark Chocolate (screech ..brakes nope…. this one will not work for me…too bitter..white chocolate only for me).
Expect a miracle
Meditate, pray, and chant (Definitely the top thing of making me happy and what I don’t do enough of)
Laugh at your shortcomings / forgive your mistakes / get over it (
Sleep, Baby, Sleep (Lawd help. )
Count your blessings Daily (Definitely)
Wake up early(screech brakes again….im trying to develop a morning ritual but getting up early is HARD)
Let the sun shine in - at least 20 min a day
Create a positive affirmation (on the list to do)
Say "Good job"
Catch happiness from others-surround yourself with like minded people (Definitely)
Grow a garden (I like that idea but I’ve killed several orchids ..the only thing I can keep alive is bamboos…I want a garden someday but I want someone else to maintain it)
Pencil in "Quiet time" (on the list to do because I’m always the best me when I do this consistently)
Look to the future
Accept what you cannot change
Take a cat nap
Love everything
Smile, Giggle, Snigger, or Chuckle!(Def. already on my agenda to do more of….hearty laughter is wonderful)
Warm Up Your Tootsies (hmmm..toes huh…I just like to be warm in general)
Sing out loud !
Indulge in Dark Chocolate (screech ..brakes nope…. this one will not work for me…too bitter..white chocolate only for me).
Expect a miracle
Meditate, pray, and chant (Definitely the top thing of making me happy and what I don’t do enough of)
Laugh at your shortcomings / forgive your mistakes / get over it (
Sleep, Baby, Sleep (Lawd help. )
Count your blessings Daily (Definitely)
Wake up early(screech brakes again….im trying to develop a morning ritual but getting up early is HARD)
Let the sun shine in - at least 20 min a day
Create a positive affirmation (on the list to do)
Say "Good job"
Catch happiness from others-surround yourself with like minded people (Definitely)
Grow a garden (I like that idea but I’ve killed several orchids ..the only thing I can keep alive is bamboos…I want a garden someday but I want someone else to maintain it)
Pencil in "Quiet time" (on the list to do because I’m always the best me when I do this consistently)
Look to the future
Accept what you cannot change
Take a cat nap
Love everything
Following Bliss
"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."-Joseph Campbell
I ran across a blog through another blog I am a follower of and really enjoyed this article re: following your bliss
The article asked what does my life look like if i followed my bliss. This question is really hard to put into words because i always feel when i see it I can say "that's it "so until i can fully describe it in my own words I'm going to borrow what others have said:
Gathering with Kindred Spirits
"One of the ways I live my bliss is by gathering with kindred spirits and enjoying the special energy created when people of like mind come together. We may come from different paths, faiths and backgrounds, but the collective energy of compassion, love and joy is awesome!"-Victor FuhrmanRead
Music that is Moving
"I am a musician, so it is probably no surprise that when I want to live my bliss I turn on some music. Music always enhances my mood. If I am feeling introspective, I will put on Enya, or something like that. If I am looking forward to cleaning the house it will be oldies or country; definitely country/rock for a long drive and classic rock for indoor exercise. Music brings out the bliss in any activity. For meditation, it is the awesome music from within, usually accompanied by the still tones of silence in the room. There's nothing like music for blissing myself."- Annabella Wood, Musician
Focus on What Makes You Passionate
"I live my bliss when I focus on what impassions me. Sometimes I have to remember what that is! Recently I was preparing for my first Goddess Group. I was researching some of the various ways the Great Mother has been honored throughout history. It stirred up so much excitement in me! I think it was partly because I realized I was on a path of purpose - something I think I am meant to be doing on this Earth at this time." -Cindy Greb
Take Time for Personal Transformation
"My way of living my bliss is to remember that I am a Goddess Extraordinaire, and to make time for personal transformative work as well as do everything within my power to make my work service done with love."
Orrie M. Schulman
Founder of Caring with Compassion (disability services)
Lost in Love
"Being lost in the love of family and friends." - Marlena Fox Tillman
Expressing Gratitude
"Being thankful for each day. Sending out healing love. Doing my daily best." - Carol Orticari
A Smiling Heart
"My Bliss is: What makes my heart smile." - Debbie FoxRead more:
I ran across a blog through another blog I am a follower of and really enjoyed this article re: following your bliss
The article asked what does my life look like if i followed my bliss. This question is really hard to put into words because i always feel when i see it I can say "that's it "so until i can fully describe it in my own words I'm going to borrow what others have said:
Gathering with Kindred Spirits
"One of the ways I live my bliss is by gathering with kindred spirits and enjoying the special energy created when people of like mind come together. We may come from different paths, faiths and backgrounds, but the collective energy of compassion, love and joy is awesome!"-Victor FuhrmanRead
Music that is Moving
"I am a musician, so it is probably no surprise that when I want to live my bliss I turn on some music. Music always enhances my mood. If I am feeling introspective, I will put on Enya, or something like that. If I am looking forward to cleaning the house it will be oldies or country; definitely country/rock for a long drive and classic rock for indoor exercise. Music brings out the bliss in any activity. For meditation, it is the awesome music from within, usually accompanied by the still tones of silence in the room. There's nothing like music for blissing myself."- Annabella Wood, Musician
Focus on What Makes You Passionate
"I live my bliss when I focus on what impassions me. Sometimes I have to remember what that is! Recently I was preparing for my first Goddess Group. I was researching some of the various ways the Great Mother has been honored throughout history. It stirred up so much excitement in me! I think it was partly because I realized I was on a path of purpose - something I think I am meant to be doing on this Earth at this time." -Cindy Greb
Take Time for Personal Transformation
"My way of living my bliss is to remember that I am a Goddess Extraordinaire, and to make time for personal transformative work as well as do everything within my power to make my work service done with love."
Orrie M. Schulman
Founder of Caring with Compassion (disability services)
Lost in Love
"Being lost in the love of family and friends." - Marlena Fox Tillman
Expressing Gratitude
"Being thankful for each day. Sending out healing love. Doing my daily best." - Carol Orticari
A Smiling Heart
"My Bliss is: What makes my heart smile." - Debbie FoxRead more:
Sketching at Tudor Greens-October 9
I went to my Sketching group today and it was great. I think the last time i was there has been about a year ago (right before the cold hit). Even though i left 35 minutes early, of course i still was late 15 minutes. lol! It's a beautiful small serene park that is nestled up a hill that you wouldn't know existed. It was a great time because i was able to not only draw, connect with fellow artists and see what i want to add to my material list (looks like i'll be making a stop to utrecht art supply) but also to get my artists date in (i know i know artists date is supposed to be alone but technically i was alone for the time we did our sketches which was 3 hours. lol! And i was so happy cause three people commented on how much they liked my pieces and ive never been in a group setting where that has happened. So its an amazing experience opening up and sharing my artwork with some of my closest friends and to have good things said about your artwork in public. I love the space of the sketching group...alot of us come from different skill levels, mediums, but its so welcoming. Unfortunately my art session got cancelled cause DM has a cold but i haven't drawn in weeks so it was good to get some art out of my system since i haven't been particularly moved to draw which saddens me a bit because i felt i was on fire before but as with everything we ebb and flow.
The 1st, 4th, and 7th sketches are what i shared with the group..the others sketches I did when i had extra time while waiting to share and the other pics are views of the park.
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