Life Makeover 2010: Messages to Change My World

Topic of the Week

Movers & Shakers

I've just finished teaching our third Movers & Shakers workshop with Reid Tracy, President of Hay House Publishing, and it was a life-changing weekend for all of us. Before I head home, I thought I'd stop and share some of the wisdom we taught to a diverse audience of change agents. Here are ten messages. Find one that speaks to you!
1. It takes ten years to be an overnight success.
2. The most competent people often feel the most insecure when starting something new.
3. Frustration and impatience are often clues that something new is trying to be born.
4. Develop sensitivity to how you come across to others so you become very, very attractive (in the magnetic sort of way ☺).
5. Be sure your professional image projects the essence of who you are. Think: "a well-groomed and polished you!"
6. Don't let your current success strangle you and stop you from pursuing your next evolutionary step.
7. Become a star in your own backyard.
8. Commit to being of service first. In all your interactions keep the mantra, "How can I help you?" firmly rooted in your mind.
9. Don't let overanalyzing, future planning, or what-ifs, get in the way of taking action.
10. When you own your gifts you set yourself free to change the world.

Take Action Challenge

Choose the one message that speaks to you the most, cut and paste it into a document, and print it out. Then hang it in your office and let it inspire you to grow ☺.

The one message that spoke to me the loudest is:
Don't let overanalyzing, future planning, or what-ifs, get in the way of taking action.

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