Investing more into HR

I love how lately Ive been getting a "light bulb switch" moments and today is one of those days. I realized I really need to be investing in my career...yes I'm doing this with the gba certification but i mean on a daily basis. I'm subscribed to HR newsletters but i dont read them due to lack of time. i love blogs yet last week was the first time i thought about looking at HR blogs There is so many free resources at my fingertips that i am not taking advantage of that i need too so along with making art a priority also going to make HR one as well. In the almost 7 years come March 1 at my job God has blessed me with three positions and i feel like i need to invest in my future for whats more to come.

Months back I was asked if I was intrested in a job opportunity as a Generalist supporting three or four specific divisions. Around christmas my VP who offered me the job said give him some patience while he figures out the salary. It is now February and he hasnt come back to me which is fine because I like my job. But i was/am a bit concerned that he has hired a Generalist starting Wed (1 out of 3) and still has not come back to me with salary info. Im not sure if he changed his mind but of course my mind has thoughts of "Of course he finds someone werent qualified" "You were kidding yourself anyway thinking you could do this this is way over your head" "You said you wanted them to find the right person for the position well clearly you were not it." I immediately shut down those thoughts and said what's for me God will certainly have for me. i want to approach my VP but something is telling me to be still and i believe its God. Because last week I heard nothing in my spirit but "Do not be discouraged for I am your God.". When i heard that I thought i'm not discouraged...oh lawd what is done the pike. lol.But it doesnt matter what is down the pike matters where my trust lies and its in God. Negative talk has no home here not anymore. This recent hire of the first generalist may have all spurred my investment in HR...actually im sure it has something to do with it because i think i wouldnt feel unqualified if i was constantly learning. At the end of the day we are the only people that can be responsible for our career.

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