Taking it all Back

I would like to start out my first entry of this year with something my brother in law Ryan posted on his fb page and a text I received from my hubby's best friend West. It's nothing new and something we have heard before but i think it serves as a good reminder.

Ryan post:

Can I be real? Stop letting your mind play tricks on you to think you had to wait for the ball to drop to become the "New" you. The evolution of self can and should be achieved with a new thought, in a new moment, not necessarily with a New year. Celebrate life everyday and realize that the day you decided to truly make a change is the day you genuinely have changed. Much Love. Happy New Years.

That type of statement is so true so why do we say this to ourselves every year..its a new year and now it will be different because its a fresh start? Fresh starts happen everyday. In yesterday's post I said God's grace is renewing everyday so at anytime you can be a new you. Starting over in the new year always seems enticing but is it longstanding?Are we ready to make the change? As we all know it doesn't happen with a flip of a switch thats its a new year but a flip off the switch inside ourselves that i can no longer function like this. There's something inside of us that stands up. So personally i think we should forget about new years resolutions, new year of reinventing me but instead see it as a new year to see God show himself strong in us, in our lives, and those around us.

Hubby's best friend West text:

Happy New Year! i hope 2011 gives you more than what 2010 did...then again, instead of waiting to get something from 2011, u might want to take it instead.

What I like about what West said was the aggressive not passive way about how to act in this year. I think each year we should be growing stronger in the Lord. Each year strongholds should be removed and we realize who our Lord is and not our issues that we are dealing with. Am I saying its easy? no. its a process.... sometimes it takes years, sometimes months, sometimes days..it all depends on the issue but one day you will get up again. One day you realize i'm going to take back what is mine. So when i read West's text I was reminded one one of my fav songs years back by Tye Tribett song called I Want It all back. So after many changes on the title I came across the new name of my blog walking in the fullness of God. Because its time for me to step out more & more into living for God, trying new experiences, opening myself up to new opportunities because God has given us all of the land...its time to possess it. It's time to take back everything!!!

It's Not Over!!!!

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