vegetarian vs. flexitarian

I've been debating between these two ways of eating based on how clean my body feels from my fast and this flexitarian book im reading. I feel like i am taking control of my health for the first time since all of my weight gain since i moved to NY. I'm actually researching to see what are the best things to put in my body...all of the whole grains, nuts, beans, fruits, veggies...all of these plant based food is a new way of eating that i enjoy. im finding out how natural fruit mixed with other things such as yogurt and a little honey can be fulfilling as a "dessert". As I was doing my 1 mile walk to the gym in the freezing cold last night ,...i asked myself why do i want to explore being a vegetarian. Ultimately it comes down to health reasons..i like how my body feels ...i havent had any asthma problems since i eliminated meat products which i thought was an interesting benefit I had read. So do i want to be a vegetarian? No its too limited in the long term...if i go to a non-vegetarian restaurant they are not alot of choices to choose from. So what about flexitarian...seems like the best of both worlds..plant based with occasional meat. then i really pondered and thought seems interesting but for once i want to do some elimination from what i normal eat. thinking about things that hubby tole me to do that i wouldn't normally do ..this falls right in. cause steph eliminating food....what crime is this? i love party in my mouths of all types of food. But i realized food has become too important to me. Don't get me wrong i will always love food and eat a variety of it but right now i think i have an unhealthy relationship with it and i need to remove it and get to the core of why food plays such an important part of my life. so after bumming around the Internet and finding all types of forms of being a vegetarian I came across the term "Pescatarian". Basically I would eat plant based food and seafood. other meats. I like that....i LOVE my seafood and this seems like a healthy way of eating because im still eating plant based food so thats my decision. For 2011 I'm committing myself to abstaining from meat except seafood. I also realized for special occasions or events i will allow myself a free day where i can indulge in desserts. I'm perfectly fine with that if overall I'm eating clean.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you, Steph! It takes courage to change - no matter how menial the change may seem. I admire you for that courage. And for not only thinking about it, but actually taking action towards improving your health. You are one of my heros! It sounds like being a pescatarian is a great fit for you. I can't wait to witness the transformation your body will go through this year. You are going to look better and feel better. And I suspect you won't even miss your meat-eating days!
