I was reading previous posts from live your dreams blog http://www.golivethedream.com/blogs/blog and i ran across something that spoke to me.
The post said "you can discover yourself in a book." Not a new concept but totally made me look at thinks differently because there's so much truth in that statement. The posting goes on to say they have a way of putting into words the things we only dream of and then teaching us that they can be reached. (Truth). Let’s jog our memories a bit and recall the theme song that sent our imaginations into another world. I believe the song went something like this:
Butterfly in the sky I can go twice as high.
Take a look,It’s in a book,A reading rainbow.
I can go anywhere,Friends to know,And ways to grow,A reading rainbow.
I can be anything,Take a look,It’s in a a book,A reading rainbow.
When is it that we forget that we can “go anywhere” or “be anything” as the song lyrics remind us? To adopt a childlike faith and imagination we were once so encouraged to have is a courageous thing to do. And if you need a little encouragement, then pick up a book.Pick up a book that will motivate you, one that is one step ahead of where you want to be so when you turn over the last page you find yourself one step ahead of where you were.Might it be that there truly is power and and infinite knowledge, even endless dreams to be discovered inside the pages of a book? As adults we should never forget that to read is power. A friend of mine reminded me that if you read just 10 pages a day, that’s over 3,000 pages and countless books your mind is fed in the course of just one year! Imagine the person you could be 365 days from now.
I found that posting absolutely wonderful because i can look back on the books that have impacted who I am today and see how I'm changed (most importantly the Bible) . Most recently the book that has motivated me is Eat, Love, and Pray. I'm not the same person who started this book. This book has brought inspiration, laughter, truth, and a new way of thinking. Discovery was something that was very much what this year was about for me and why i dont know i didnt really plan on reading a book about self discovery. Not until Carey posted a link for a movie was I touched to read this book. I feel this personal and spirtual discovery just hit home alot because i feel thats what's going on with me. At some point i will try to write out the things that struck me in the book. But for now i want to touch on a Q & A with Elizabeth that I couldnt help but nod my head
Q:The personal encounters you have in Italy, India, and Indonesia seem to affect you deeply, and your guru’s philosophy clearly informs your own. Do you think that self-discovery requires the insights of others? What do you make of this paradox?
A:I don’t see the paradox; I think sincere self-exploration requires the insight of everyone. One of my guru’s most helpful instructions is to “become a scientist of your own experience,” which I take as an invitation to explore every possible line of human spiritual thinking. The world has been blessed with some extraordinary teachers over history—use them! That said, studying can only take you so far. At some point you have to lay aside the books, hope that your mind has actually absorbed some wisdom, and just sit there in silence, letting your soul ascend to its own leadership. And that’s something nobody can do for you.
Q:. Do you think travel necessitates personal growth because one is forced to respond to and accept the unfamiliar? In your opinion, how much does it depend on an individual’s willingness to embrace opportunity?
A: No experience in this world has ever been cathartic without the willing participation of the individual. Life does not automatically bestow wisdom or growth upon anyone just for showing up. You have to work ceaselessly on your end to digest and imbibe your opportunities or, I have come to believe, they will gradually slip away and knock on someone else’s more receptive door
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