39 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist
"The proper function of man is to live - not to exist." -- Jack LondonToo often we go through life on autopilot, going through the motions and having each day pass like the one before it.That's fine, and comfortable, until you have gone through another year without having done anything, without having really lived life.That's fine, until you have reached old age and look back on life with regrets.That's fine, until you see your kids go off to college and realize that you missed their childhoods.It's not fine. If you want to truly live life, to really experience it, to enjoy it to the fullest, instead of barely scraping by and only living a life of existence, then you need to find ways to break free from the mold and drink from life.What follows is just a list of ideas, obvious ones mostly that you could have thought of yourself, but that I hope are useful reminders. We all need reminders sometimes. If you find this useful, print it out, and start using it. Today.
Love. Perhaps the most important. Fall in love, if you aren't already. If you have, fall in love with your partner all over again. Abandon caution and let your heart be broken. Or love family members, friends, anyone -- it doesn't have to be romantic love. Love all of humanity, one person at a time.
Get outside. Don't let yourself be shut indoors. Go out when it's raining. Walk on the beach. Hike through the woods. Swim in a freezing lake. Bask in the sun. Play sports, or walk barefoot through grass. Pay close attention to nature.
Savor food. Don't just eat your food, but really enjoy it. Feel the texture, the bursts of flavors. Savor every bite. If you limit your intake of sweets, it will make the small treats you give yourself (berries or dark chocolate are my favorites) even more enjoyable. And when you do have them, really, really savor them. Slowly.
Create a morning ritual. Wake early and greet the day. Watch the sun rise. Out loud, tell yourself that you will not waste this day, which is a gift. You will be compassionate to your fellow human beings, and live every moment to its fullest. Stretch or meditate or exercise as part of your ritual. Enjoy some coffee.
Take chances. We often live our lives too cautiously, worried about what might go wrong. Be bold, risk it all. Quit your job and go to business for yourself (plan it out first!), or go up to that girl you've liked for a long time and ask her out. What do you have to lose?
Follow excitement. Try to find the things in life that excite you, and then go after them. Make life one exciting adventure after another (with perhaps some quiet times in between).
Find your passion. Similar to the above tip, this one asks you to find your calling. Make your living by doing the thing you love to do. First, think about what you really love to do. There may be many things. Find out how you can make a living doing it. It may be difficult, but you only live once.
Get out of your cubicle. Do you sit all day in front of computer, shuffling papers and taking phone calls and chatting on the Internet? Don't waste your days like this. Break free from the cubicle environment, and do your work on a laptop, in a coffee shop, or on a boat, or in a log cabin. This may require a change of jobs, or becoming a freelancer. It's worth it.
Turn off the TV. How many hours will we waste away in front of the boob tube? How many hours do we have to live? Do the math, then unplug the TV. Only plug it back in when you have a DVD of a movie you love. Otherwise, keep it off and find other stuff to do. Don't know what to do? Read further.
Pull away from Internet. You're reading something on the Internet right now. And, with the exception of this article, it is just more wasting away of your precious time. You cannot get these minutes back. Unplug the Internet, then get out of your office or house. Right now! And go and do something.
Travel. Sure, you want to travel some day. When you have vacation time, or when you're older. Well, what are you waiting for? Find a way to take a trip, if not this month, then sometime soon. You may need to sell your car or stop your cable bill and stop eating out to do it, but make it happen. You are too young to not see the world. If need be, find a way to make a living by freelancing, then work while you travel. Only work an hour or two a day. Don't check email but once a week. Then use the rest of the time to see the world.
Rediscover what's important. Take an hour and make a list of everything that's important to you. Add to it everything that you want to do in life. Now cut that list down to 4-5 things. Just the most important things in your life. This is your core list. This is what matters. Focus your life on these things. Make time for them.
Eliminate everything else. What's going on in your life that's not on that short list? All that stuff is wasting your time, pulling your attention from what's important. As much as possible, simplify your life by eliminating the stuff that's not on your short list, or minimizing it.
Exercise. Get off the couch and go for a walk. Eventually try running. Or do some push ups and crunches. Or swim or bike or row. Or go for a hike. Whatever you do, get active, and you'll love it. And life will be more alive.
Be positive. Learn to recognize the negative thoughts you have. These are the self-doubts, the criticisms of others, the complaints, the reasons you can't do something. Then stop yourself when you have these thoughts, and replace them with positive thoughts. Solutions. You can do this!
Open your heart. Is your heart a closed bundle of scar tissue? Learn to open it, have it ready to receive love, to give love unconditionally. If you have a problem with this, talk to someone about it. And practice makes perfect.
Kiss in the rain. Seize the moment and be romantic. Raining outside? Grab your lover and give her a passionate kiss. Driving home? Stop the car and pick some wildflowers. Send her a love note. Dress sexy for him.
Face your fears. What are you most afraid of? What is holding you back? Whatever it is, recognize it, and face it. Do what you are most afraid of. Afraid of heights? Go to the tallest building, and look down over the edge. Only by facing our fears can we be free of them.
When you suffer, suffer. Life isn't all about fun and games. Suffering is an inevitable part of life. We lose our jobs. We lose our lovers. We lose our pets. We get physically injured or sick. A loved one becomes sick. A parent dies. Learn to feel the pain intensely, and really grieve. This is a part of life -- really feel the pain. And when you're done, move on, and find joy.
Slow down. Life moves along at such a rapid pace these days. It's not healthy, and it's not conducive to living. Practice doing everything slowly -- everything, from eating to walking to driving to working to reading. Enjoy what you do. Learn to move at a snail's pace.
Touch humanity. Get out of your house and manicured neighborhoods, and find those who live in worse conditions. Meet them, talk to them, understand them. Live among them. Be one of them. Give up your materialistic lifestyle.
Volunteer. Help at homeless soup kitchens. Learn compassion, and learn to help ease the suffering of others. Help the sick, those with disabilities, those who are dying.
Play with children. Children, more than anyone else, know how to live. They experience everything in the moment, fully. When they get hurt, they really cry. When they play, they really have fun. Learn from them, instead of thinking you know so much more than them. Play with them, and learn to be joyful like them.
Talk to old people. There is no one wiser, more experienced, more learned, than those who have lived through life. They can tell you amazing stories. Give you advice on making a marriage last or staying out of debt. Tell you about their regrets, so you can learn from them and avoid the same mistakes. They are the wisdom of our society -- take advantage of their existence while they're still around.
Learn new skills. Constantly improve yourself instead of standing still -- not because you're so imperfect now, but because it is gratifying and satisfying. You should accept yourself as you are, and learn to love who you are, but still try to improve -- if only because the process of improvement is life itself.
Find spirituality. For some, this means finding God or Jesus or Allah or Buddha. For others, this means becoming in tune with the spirits of our ancestors, or with nature. For still others, this just means an inner energy. Whatever spirituality means for you, rediscover it, and its power.
Take mini-retirements. Don't leave the joy of retirement until you are too old to enjoy it. Do it now, while you're young. It makes working that much more worth it. Find ways to take a year off every few years. Save up, sell your home, your possessions, and travel. Live simply, but live, without having to work. Enjoy life, then go back to work and save up enough money to do it again in a couple of years.
Do nothing. Despite the tip above that we should find excitement, there is value in doing nothing as well. Not doing nothing as in reading, or taking a nap, or watching TV, or meditating. Doing nothing as in sitting there, doing nothing. Just learning to be still, in silence, to hear our inner voice, to be in tune with life. Do this daily if possible.
Stop playing video games. They might be fun, but they can take up way too much time. If you spend a lot of time playing online games, or computer solitaire, or Wii or Gameboy or whatever, consider going a week without it. Then find something else to do, outside.
Watch sunsets, daily. One of the most beautiful times of day. Make it a daily ritual to find a good spot to watch the sunset, perhaps having a light dinner while you do so.
Stop reading magazines. They're basically crap. And they waste your time and money. Cancel your subscriptions and walk past them at the news stands. If you have to read something, read a trashy novel or even better, read Dumb Little Man once a day and be done.
Break out from ruts. Do you do things the same way every day? Change it up. Try something new. Take a different route to work. Start your day out differently. Approach work from a new angle. Look at things from new perspectives.
Stop watching the news. It's depressing and useless. If you're a news junky, this may be difficult. I haven't watch TV news or read a newspaper regularly in about two years. It hasn't hurt me a bit. Anything important, my mom tells me about.
Laugh till you cry. Laughing is one of the best ways to live. Tell jokes and laugh your head off. Watch an awesome comedy. Learn to laugh at anything. Roll on the ground laughing. You'll love it.
Lose control. Not only control over yourself, but control over others. It's a bad habit to try to control others -- it will only lead to stress and unhappiness for yourself and those you try to control. Let others live, and live for yourself. And lose control of yourself now and then too.
Cry. Men, especially, tend to hold in our tears, but crying is an amazing release. Cry at sad movies. Cry at a funeral. Cry when you are hurt, or when somebody you love is hurt. It releases these emotions and allows us to cleanse ourselves.
Make an awesome dessert. I like to make warm, soft chocolate cake. But even berries dipped in chocolate, or crepes with ice cream and fruit, or fresh apple pie, or homemade chocolate chip cookies or brownies, are great. This isn't an every day thing, but an occasional treat thing. But it's wonderful.
Try something new, every week. Ask yourself: "What new thing shall I try this week?" Then be sure to do it. You don't have to learn a new language in one week, but seek new experiences. Give it a try. You might decide you want to keep it in your life.
Be in the moment. Instead of thinking about things you need to do, or things that have happened to you, or worrying or planning or regretting, think about what you are doing, right now. What is around you? What smells and sounds and sights and feelings are you experiencing? Learn to do this as much as possible through meditation, but also through bringing your focus back to the present as much as you can in everything you do.
Blog that made me think about books in a different way
I was reading previous posts from live your dreams blog and i ran across something that spoke to me.
The post said "you can discover yourself in a book." Not a new concept but totally made me look at thinks differently because there's so much truth in that statement. The posting goes on to say they have a way of putting into words the things we only dream of and then teaching us that they can be reached. (Truth). Let’s jog our memories a bit and recall the theme song that sent our imaginations into another world. I believe the song went something like this:
Butterfly in the sky I can go twice as high.
Take a look,It’s in a book,A reading rainbow.
I can go anywhere,Friends to know,And ways to grow,A reading rainbow.
I can be anything,Take a look,It’s in a a book,A reading rainbow.
When is it that we forget that we can “go anywhere” or “be anything” as the song lyrics remind us? To adopt a childlike faith and imagination we were once so encouraged to have is a courageous thing to do. And if you need a little encouragement, then pick up a book.Pick up a book that will motivate you, one that is one step ahead of where you want to be so when you turn over the last page you find yourself one step ahead of where you were.Might it be that there truly is power and and infinite knowledge, even endless dreams to be discovered inside the pages of a book? As adults we should never forget that to read is power. A friend of mine reminded me that if you read just 10 pages a day, that’s over 3,000 pages and countless books your mind is fed in the course of just one year! Imagine the person you could be 365 days from now.
I found that posting absolutely wonderful because i can look back on the books that have impacted who I am today and see how I'm changed (most importantly the Bible) . Most recently the book that has motivated me is Eat, Love, and Pray. I'm not the same person who started this book. This book has brought inspiration, laughter, truth, and a new way of thinking. Discovery was something that was very much what this year was about for me and why i dont know i didnt really plan on reading a book about self discovery. Not until Carey posted a link for a movie was I touched to read this book. I feel this personal and spirtual discovery just hit home alot because i feel thats what's going on with me. At some point i will try to write out the things that struck me in the book. But for now i want to touch on a Q & A with Elizabeth that I couldnt help but nod my head
Q:The personal encounters you have in Italy, India, and Indonesia seem to affect you deeply, and your guru’s philosophy clearly informs your own. Do you think that self-discovery requires the insights of others? What do you make of this paradox?
A:I don’t see the paradox; I think sincere self-exploration requires the insight of everyone. One of my guru’s most helpful instructions is to “become a scientist of your own experience,” which I take as an invitation to explore every possible line of human spiritual thinking. The world has been blessed with some extraordinary teachers over history—use them! That said, studying can only take you so far. At some point you have to lay aside the books, hope that your mind has actually absorbed some wisdom, and just sit there in silence, letting your soul ascend to its own leadership. And that’s something nobody can do for you.
Q:. Do you think travel necessitates personal growth because one is forced to respond to and accept the unfamiliar? In your opinion, how much does it depend on an individual’s willingness to embrace opportunity?
A: No experience in this world has ever been cathartic without the willing participation of the individual. Life does not automatically bestow wisdom or growth upon anyone just for showing up. You have to work ceaselessly on your end to digest and imbibe your opportunities or, I have come to believe, they will gradually slip away and knock on someone else’s more receptive door
The post said "you can discover yourself in a book." Not a new concept but totally made me look at thinks differently because there's so much truth in that statement. The posting goes on to say they have a way of putting into words the things we only dream of and then teaching us that they can be reached. (Truth). Let’s jog our memories a bit and recall the theme song that sent our imaginations into another world. I believe the song went something like this:
Butterfly in the sky I can go twice as high.
Take a look,It’s in a book,A reading rainbow.
I can go anywhere,Friends to know,And ways to grow,A reading rainbow.
I can be anything,Take a look,It’s in a a book,A reading rainbow.
When is it that we forget that we can “go anywhere” or “be anything” as the song lyrics remind us? To adopt a childlike faith and imagination we were once so encouraged to have is a courageous thing to do. And if you need a little encouragement, then pick up a book.Pick up a book that will motivate you, one that is one step ahead of where you want to be so when you turn over the last page you find yourself one step ahead of where you were.Might it be that there truly is power and and infinite knowledge, even endless dreams to be discovered inside the pages of a book? As adults we should never forget that to read is power. A friend of mine reminded me that if you read just 10 pages a day, that’s over 3,000 pages and countless books your mind is fed in the course of just one year! Imagine the person you could be 365 days from now.
I found that posting absolutely wonderful because i can look back on the books that have impacted who I am today and see how I'm changed (most importantly the Bible) . Most recently the book that has motivated me is Eat, Love, and Pray. I'm not the same person who started this book. This book has brought inspiration, laughter, truth, and a new way of thinking. Discovery was something that was very much what this year was about for me and why i dont know i didnt really plan on reading a book about self discovery. Not until Carey posted a link for a movie was I touched to read this book. I feel this personal and spirtual discovery just hit home alot because i feel thats what's going on with me. At some point i will try to write out the things that struck me in the book. But for now i want to touch on a Q & A with Elizabeth that I couldnt help but nod my head
Q:The personal encounters you have in Italy, India, and Indonesia seem to affect you deeply, and your guru’s philosophy clearly informs your own. Do you think that self-discovery requires the insights of others? What do you make of this paradox?
A:I don’t see the paradox; I think sincere self-exploration requires the insight of everyone. One of my guru’s most helpful instructions is to “become a scientist of your own experience,” which I take as an invitation to explore every possible line of human spiritual thinking. The world has been blessed with some extraordinary teachers over history—use them! That said, studying can only take you so far. At some point you have to lay aside the books, hope that your mind has actually absorbed some wisdom, and just sit there in silence, letting your soul ascend to its own leadership. And that’s something nobody can do for you.
Q:. Do you think travel necessitates personal growth because one is forced to respond to and accept the unfamiliar? In your opinion, how much does it depend on an individual’s willingness to embrace opportunity?
A: No experience in this world has ever been cathartic without the willing participation of the individual. Life does not automatically bestow wisdom or growth upon anyone just for showing up. You have to work ceaselessly on your end to digest and imbibe your opportunities or, I have come to believe, they will gradually slip away and knock on someone else’s more receptive door
Lately Ive been thinking more about expressive arts...actually putting a timeline of when i want to do the certification (2012) as well as what steps I can do today to nurture that creative part in me. I was sharing with Carey & Robin how excited i was looking at the upcoming year classes....
Fall semester 2010September 25 / 26: Introduction to Principles and Practice of Expressive Arts, Finding ease with poetical writingOctober 23 / 24: Building community through storytelling and theaterNovember 13 / 14: Using music to open the portal into what we knowDecember 18 / 19: On the way to authentic voice Spring semester 2011January 22 / 23: Body-centered practice of moving the paint, Discovering what moves inside of us when we move the paintMarch 26 / 27: Exploring deep play through performance artApril 23 / 24: Sculpting and collaging our way through the range of visual artsMay 21 / 22: Individual presentation of personal art based work created during the training year, Community art closing for the year(Snow date June 11 / 12)
I wonder if the courses change from year to year or if its the same. Soon they will be posting details soon so I'm sure i will find out. just so excited but let me get back to what i was saying.
right now i want to be creative but not sure how... i feel blocked. at this moment it doesn't feel as natural to pick up a pencil and draw. i want to be free in my drawing.... i don't want to draw/paint a still life or a landscape but just what my body to create. i cant remember a time that ive ever done that. i remember escaping in my painting and being so intuned to music and strokes not really paying attention to the detail of how a landscape will come out but a true abandonment no ive never had that.painting from my spirit. whats saying all of this aloud i realize why my mind has been on expressive heart is singing and wants to be heard and im just not sure how. well i think ive found the solution through the Art Studio of Ny. There were about four classes that really spoke to me but now I'm narrowing it down to two classes..I'm just not sure which one yet (both sound like exactly what i need:
ARTISTIC THERAPEUTIC EXPRESSIONThe creative process of art making is healing, life enhancing, self-empowering, and joyful. The creative process has been used for healing and self-awareness throughout history. Artistic expression provides new and creative tools for you to connect with your authentic self, providing access to overflowing joy, wellness, balance, and personal power.Work with renowned artists at The Art Studio NY as you receive unique, tailor-made creative guidance based on your individual life experience. Allow the magical creative experience to nurture, guide, and encourage your greatest potential.Through this creative experience, learn how to:Building self-confidence and self-esteem through your creative expressionAccess a deeper sense of authenticityLearn to relax through artRelease of stressMeditation through artAccessing self-loveEmotional expressionFee: $85 per hour
Are you longing to develop your unique voice through your own creative personal art form? Are you hoping to reconnect to your empowered creativity in a nurturing, inspiring art studio setting? Is there a specific type of art that you are intending to delve into or focus on? Join The Art Studio NY and work with our world-renowned artistic staff while you are nurtured, inspired, and encouraged to explore your authentic creativity and empowered self-expression. Receive one-on-one attention as you discover the power of personal exploration and creative content. Receive tailor-made instruction that will empower and inspire your artistic gifts to pour outward with joy. Learn specific techniques created for your unique needs, and allow your personal self-expression to burst forth. Whether you are looking to ignite your personal potential, find joy in creativity, build a winning portfolio for school or work, or heal and open your heart through the power of art, private art classes will nurture your mind, body and soul in profound ways. Private instruction is available in all art forms both in our studio in outdoor settings such as Central Park and Manhattan art museums. Small group instruction (2 - 5 students) available for additional fee. The perfect gift for a loved one, friend, or yourself! Mornings/Afternoons/Evenings based on availability.
A materials list will be provided prior to your first lesson, or you may pay a nominal materials fee ($10/session for acrylic paints, $15/session for oil paints/ canvases not included to The Art Studio NY for the use of our art supplies).
$90/hour PACKAGE OF 4: $345
Fall semester 2010September 25 / 26: Introduction to Principles and Practice of Expressive Arts, Finding ease with poetical writingOctober 23 / 24: Building community through storytelling and theaterNovember 13 / 14: Using music to open the portal into what we knowDecember 18 / 19: On the way to authentic voice Spring semester 2011January 22 / 23: Body-centered practice of moving the paint, Discovering what moves inside of us when we move the paintMarch 26 / 27: Exploring deep play through performance artApril 23 / 24: Sculpting and collaging our way through the range of visual artsMay 21 / 22: Individual presentation of personal art based work created during the training year, Community art closing for the year(Snow date June 11 / 12)
I wonder if the courses change from year to year or if its the same. Soon they will be posting details soon so I'm sure i will find out. just so excited but let me get back to what i was saying.
right now i want to be creative but not sure how... i feel blocked. at this moment it doesn't feel as natural to pick up a pencil and draw. i want to be free in my drawing.... i don't want to draw/paint a still life or a landscape but just what my body to create. i cant remember a time that ive ever done that. i remember escaping in my painting and being so intuned to music and strokes not really paying attention to the detail of how a landscape will come out but a true abandonment no ive never had that.painting from my spirit. whats saying all of this aloud i realize why my mind has been on expressive heart is singing and wants to be heard and im just not sure how. well i think ive found the solution through the Art Studio of Ny. There were about four classes that really spoke to me but now I'm narrowing it down to two classes..I'm just not sure which one yet (both sound like exactly what i need:
ARTISTIC THERAPEUTIC EXPRESSIONThe creative process of art making is healing, life enhancing, self-empowering, and joyful. The creative process has been used for healing and self-awareness throughout history. Artistic expression provides new and creative tools for you to connect with your authentic self, providing access to overflowing joy, wellness, balance, and personal power.Work with renowned artists at The Art Studio NY as you receive unique, tailor-made creative guidance based on your individual life experience. Allow the magical creative experience to nurture, guide, and encourage your greatest potential.Through this creative experience, learn how to:Building self-confidence and self-esteem through your creative expressionAccess a deeper sense of authenticityLearn to relax through artRelease of stressMeditation through artAccessing self-loveEmotional expressionFee: $85 per hour
Are you longing to develop your unique voice through your own creative personal art form? Are you hoping to reconnect to your empowered creativity in a nurturing, inspiring art studio setting? Is there a specific type of art that you are intending to delve into or focus on? Join The Art Studio NY and work with our world-renowned artistic staff while you are nurtured, inspired, and encouraged to explore your authentic creativity and empowered self-expression. Receive one-on-one attention as you discover the power of personal exploration and creative content. Receive tailor-made instruction that will empower and inspire your artistic gifts to pour outward with joy. Learn specific techniques created for your unique needs, and allow your personal self-expression to burst forth. Whether you are looking to ignite your personal potential, find joy in creativity, build a winning portfolio for school or work, or heal and open your heart through the power of art, private art classes will nurture your mind, body and soul in profound ways. Private instruction is available in all art forms both in our studio in outdoor settings such as Central Park and Manhattan art museums. Small group instruction (2 - 5 students) available for additional fee. The perfect gift for a loved one, friend, or yourself! Mornings/Afternoons/Evenings based on availability.
A materials list will be provided prior to your first lesson, or you may pay a nominal materials fee ($10/session for acrylic paints, $15/session for oil paints/ canvases not included to The Art Studio NY for the use of our art supplies).
$90/hour PACKAGE OF 4: $345
Grace Card-July 12th
It's that time again for grace cards. its so funny how foreign things are when you are out of habit of doing them. instead of picking the usual thre grace cards going to pick 5 grace cards.
Rest: Take a mental break. A quiet mind has direct access to wisdom and insight
Support: Expect help. A Divine power more magnificent than anything else that exists on the planet is ready to support our every move.
Release: Let go. when we release our attachment to the outcome, we allow the power of grace to work its magic.
Beauty.: Surround yourself with simple pleasures. Beauty is the language of the divine
Honor: Care for your soul. Honor the divinity within you by practicing extreme self care.
Sounds like to me I need to take a break and honor myself in a way that will give me peace, love, and joy. I also need to go to God and get the help that I need.
Rest: Take a mental break. A quiet mind has direct access to wisdom and insight
Support: Expect help. A Divine power more magnificent than anything else that exists on the planet is ready to support our every move.
Release: Let go. when we release our attachment to the outcome, we allow the power of grace to work its magic.
Beauty.: Surround yourself with simple pleasures. Beauty is the language of the divine
Honor: Care for your soul. Honor the divinity within you by practicing extreme self care.
Sounds like to me I need to take a break and honor myself in a way that will give me peace, love, and joy. I also need to go to God and get the help that I need.
I just read the most beautiful message from Goddess was exactly what I needed to hear and def stated some of the things Ive been feeling.
My Love Letter To You
Posted: 12 Jul 2010 06:53 PM PDT
Dear You,
Hello beautiful soul.
I’m writing this to you… any soul who has had a really, really big year. Even more than a big year – it’s lasted from the reaches of 2009 too.
I know it’s been a bit time.
Heart-breaking. Transformation. Loss. Letting Go. Being tested again and again.
Some of the strongest relationships I know have been pulled at, over and over.
I know some souls have chosen to leave the planet. Some have gone willingly. For some, it was just the time for the rainbow journey.
So much loss. So much sadness. So much letting go.
I know you might have lost everything, then lost a little more.
I know you might have found the bottom of the faith barrel, and are scraping for remnants.
Where did the good times go?
I want to go home.
And why oh why is this all happening?
When anxiety is your constant companion.
When you wonder when this is going to freakin’ end.
When it feels like it’s all just too much.
It’s hard.
It hurts.
I know darling.I’m sorry darling.I’m sorry it hurts.I’m sorry it feels like you are in over your head.I’m sorry the lessons have come so thick and fast lately you don’t know when you can draw your next breath.I know, I know, I know.I’m sorry.I love you.
I want to knock on the door of every soul’s house that is hurting. I want to wrap you up in a soft, freshly washed blanket. I want to give you nourishing, healing tea… blends that are made just for you and what you need.
I want to listen.I want to whisper things to you.
I want to tell you that no matter how hard things are right now, no matter the pain, no matter the sadness… I want you to know that it’s all for a reason. A good one.
And that is so hard to hear right now…
And yet… there is a mountain of faith inside me. One that glows and glides and sings.
At night, as I fall into slumberland, I think of you, and send out flocks of love, riding on wings. I hope they find you where you are.
I want to remind you that you are beautiful.
That you are loved. That you have been loved from the moment two cells met and became one. That moment, that instant, that your heart became. The moment you were born. The moment that finds you right here, right now, right where you are. And all the moments in between. You have been loved. You are loved. You will always and forever be loved.
I want you to know good things are on their way. That you are on the right path. That all your rough edges are being sloughed away, transforming you into the smooth, shining river stone of light that you are.
It is true.
You may not have any faith left right now, and that’s okay.
I can believe for you right now. I can hold the faith for you right now.
I want you to know… oh, so many things.
I close my eyes, and try to put into words all the things I know are true…
but there are no words, there is just this wash of love.
This wash of love that is just for you. From me to you. From a million souls to you. Just for you.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
I’m sorry things are so hard right now.
Things will work out, darlingheart.
One day, you will look back on all of this. We will be sitting, drinking tea, and you will burst out into laughter and say:
I know what it was all for now. It got me from there to here, the place I needed to be. It got me to be the person I needed to be.
And you will be filled with Grace. With Love. With Joy. With Faith again. And every speck in the universe will light up again, because you will have seen it and known it for what it truly is…
All here for you. All here for your awakening. All here for you to come home to you, the amazing, shining, knowing soul you are.
I believe in you. Over and over.
I love you. A thousand million times.
You are not alone, dearest.
This is all for good.
I love you so, so, so much
My Love Letter To You
Posted: 12 Jul 2010 06:53 PM PDT
Dear You,
Hello beautiful soul.
I’m writing this to you… any soul who has had a really, really big year. Even more than a big year – it’s lasted from the reaches of 2009 too.
I know it’s been a bit time.
Heart-breaking. Transformation. Loss. Letting Go. Being tested again and again.
Some of the strongest relationships I know have been pulled at, over and over.
I know some souls have chosen to leave the planet. Some have gone willingly. For some, it was just the time for the rainbow journey.
So much loss. So much sadness. So much letting go.
I know you might have lost everything, then lost a little more.
I know you might have found the bottom of the faith barrel, and are scraping for remnants.
Where did the good times go?
I want to go home.
And why oh why is this all happening?
When anxiety is your constant companion.
When you wonder when this is going to freakin’ end.
When it feels like it’s all just too much.
It’s hard.
It hurts.
I know darling.I’m sorry darling.I’m sorry it hurts.I’m sorry it feels like you are in over your head.I’m sorry the lessons have come so thick and fast lately you don’t know when you can draw your next breath.I know, I know, I know.I’m sorry.I love you.
I want to knock on the door of every soul’s house that is hurting. I want to wrap you up in a soft, freshly washed blanket. I want to give you nourishing, healing tea… blends that are made just for you and what you need.
I want to listen.I want to whisper things to you.
I want to tell you that no matter how hard things are right now, no matter the pain, no matter the sadness… I want you to know that it’s all for a reason. A good one.
And that is so hard to hear right now…
And yet… there is a mountain of faith inside me. One that glows and glides and sings.
At night, as I fall into slumberland, I think of you, and send out flocks of love, riding on wings. I hope they find you where you are.
I want to remind you that you are beautiful.
That you are loved. That you have been loved from the moment two cells met and became one. That moment, that instant, that your heart became. The moment you were born. The moment that finds you right here, right now, right where you are. And all the moments in between. You have been loved. You are loved. You will always and forever be loved.
I want you to know good things are on their way. That you are on the right path. That all your rough edges are being sloughed away, transforming you into the smooth, shining river stone of light that you are.
It is true.
You may not have any faith left right now, and that’s okay.
I can believe for you right now. I can hold the faith for you right now.
I want you to know… oh, so many things.
I close my eyes, and try to put into words all the things I know are true…
but there are no words, there is just this wash of love.
This wash of love that is just for you. From me to you. From a million souls to you. Just for you.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
I’m sorry things are so hard right now.
Things will work out, darlingheart.
One day, you will look back on all of this. We will be sitting, drinking tea, and you will burst out into laughter and say:
I know what it was all for now. It got me from there to here, the place I needed to be. It got me to be the person I needed to be.
And you will be filled with Grace. With Love. With Joy. With Faith again. And every speck in the universe will light up again, because you will have seen it and known it for what it truly is…
All here for you. All here for your awakening. All here for you to come home to you, the amazing, shining, knowing soul you are.
I believe in you. Over and over.
I love you. A thousand million times.
You are not alone, dearest.
This is all for good.
I love you so, so, so much
I cant believe its July much has changed since the last time I wrote. My mother in law has passed during my time away which is why I haven't written and nothing will be the same again in our family or us as individuals. I'm finding it hard to write right now because my normal habits don't feel so normal anymore. There's alot of anger, confusion, and lack of trust resonating in me and all i want to do is lay my head in God's lap and let him feel me up with his goodness but i need distance..... I'm not ready yet. My faith has been rocked to an extreme point and i know it will make me stronger in the end but this is where I am now.
I will say its good to be back in NYC. Its wonderful to be in my home...i missed it so. But the one place that i noticed the shift that ive been away is my office. The calendar still had May 13th as the last day marked off (interestingly enough that was the last day that would be normal as we know it..celebrating Robin's bday...J talking to his mom) before we get a call the next day that would unknowingly change us and keep time standing still for weeks on end. I continue to look around my office and look at my bamboo plant in my vase and I see that they are yellow and dead and leaning. When i left they were vibrant and growing. Hmmm...feels just like me & my family. I dont mean to sound so down cause im not....its just recognition of how things can quickly change and allowing myself to be honest of where I am.
I will say its good to be back in NYC. Its wonderful to be in my home...i missed it so. But the one place that i noticed the shift that ive been away is my office. The calendar still had May 13th as the last day marked off (interestingly enough that was the last day that would be normal as we know it..celebrating Robin's bday...J talking to his mom) before we get a call the next day that would unknowingly change us and keep time standing still for weeks on end. I continue to look around my office and look at my bamboo plant in my vase and I see that they are yellow and dead and leaning. When i left they were vibrant and growing. Hmmm...feels just like me & my family. I dont mean to sound so down cause im not....its just recognition of how things can quickly change and allowing myself to be honest of where I am.
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